Li bakurê Afrîka û Rojhilata Navîn kampanyaya 'Ji Ocalan re azadî'

  • 11:12 2 Cotmeh 2021
  • Rojane
NAVENDA NÛÇEYAN - Kampanyaya hashtagê ya ji bo azadiya fîzîkî ya Rêberê PKK'ê Abdullah Ocalan a ku ji hêla Meclisa Medya Dîjîtal a Kurdistanê ve hatî destpêkirin dewam dike. Jinên ji bakurê Afrîkayê û Rojhilata Navîn banga piştgirîdayîna kampanyayê kirin. 
Ji hêla Meclisa Medya Dîjîtal a Kurdistanê dê di 8'ê cotmehê de kampanyaya "Ji Ocalan re azadî" bidin destpêkirin. Ji bo piştevaniya kampanyayê xebat tên meşandin. Her wiha jinên ji bakurê Afrîkayê û Rojhilata Navîn banga destekkirina kampanyaya hashtagê kirin. 
Rojên borî, siyasetmedar, rewşenbîr û bijîşkên ji Awistralya, Malezya, Pakistan û her wiha Misir û Lîbyayê banga tevlîbûnê kiribûn. Niha jî jinên ji bakurê Afrîkayê û Rojhilata Navîn banga piştgiriya kampanyayê kirin û ev peyam parvekirin: "Birêz Ocalan ji bo ku di çareseriya pirsgirêka kurd û pêkanîna aştiya civakî de bi rola xwe rabe, divê xwedî şert û mercên azad be. Ji bo vê jî em her kesî bi hesasiyeteke ji bo çareserî û aştiyê vedixwînin destekkirina kampanyaya hashtagê ku dê li ser medyaya civakî dest pê bike."
Jinên ku banga piştgiriya kampanyayê kiriye:
* Tala Naser - Human Rights Activist - Palestine
* Shamiran Mrokal - Vice President of the International Democratic Women's Union - Iraq
* Dr. Amal Grami - University Professor of Gender and Human Rights Activist - Tunisia
* Dr. Fatima Khafagi - Coordinator of the Arab Women's Alliance for Parity and Equality - Egypt
* Dr. Hiba Haddadin - Executive Director of the Gender Foundation for Studies and Consultations - Jordan
* Dr. Rabeha Mahmoud Al-Farsi - Human Rights and Political Activist, Vice President of the Libyan Future Movement Party, Member of the Libyan Women's Network for Peace Support - Libya
* Em Almouamnin Yaya - Member of the Commercial Office of the Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders - Western Desert-Morocco
* Dr. Huda Rizq - University Professor, Writer, Journalist and Political Researcher - Lebanon
* Prof. Dr. Zeinab Altojani - A University Professor Specializing in Islamism at Manouba University - Tunisia
* Iman Ftih - President of the Peace Forum for Syrian Women and a Founding Member of the Delta Center for Development and Studies - Syria
* Dalola Hdadan - Journalist and TV Presenter - Algeria
* Afaf Ghatasha - President of the Union of Palestinian Working Women's Committees - Palestine
* Omaima Al-Sherif - Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Promising Voices Foundation of Human Rights - Egypt
* Omaima Jabouni - Member of the Administrative Board of the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights - Tunisia
* Radhia Jerbi - President of the National Union of Tunisian Women - Tunisia
* Sabah Al-Hallaq, a Member of the Constitutional Committee and a Researcher in Women's Rights - Syria
* Aida Nasrallah, Head of the Committee for the Defense of Lebanese Women's Rights - Lebanon
* Zahra Qoubayi;  Amazigh Human Rights and Activist - Morocco
* Taiba Saad Abdul Karim, the Iraqi Feminist Uprising Movement – Iraq
* Khadija Riyadi - Political and Lawyalist Activist – Morocco
* Laila Nafaa - Jordanian Communist Party – Jordan
* Women's Trade Union Forum The General Federation of Iraqi Trade Unions - Iraq