Azerbaijani candidate of HDP: It’s a party for fraternity

  • 12:21 29 May 2018
  • News
VAN - HDP’s Iğdır MP Candidate Kıznaz Türkeli highlighting the importance of the multiculturalism and women's representation in the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) called on all women to support the HDP.
26 days later, the elections will be held in Turkey. The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) which has the most women candidates in its list of MP candidates has nominated many people having different identities as its MP candidates. One of these people is the HDP’s Iğdır MP Candidate Kıznaz Türkeli. Kıznaz was also the HDP’s MP candidate for the election held in Turkey on June 7, 2015. Kıznaz was born in Iğdır in 1964 and she spent more of her life on highlands. Then she became a shopkeeper and took part in working life. When she was a child, she was engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry on the highlands in the village. She went to Istanbul to live with her sister when she was 16 years old. She worked in many factories when she was in Istanbul. In 1992, she was arrested for distributing leaflets after a workers’ meeting held in Topkapı. She was held in Sağmalcılar Prison for six months.
She learned the Kurdish culture on the highlands
Stating that she is luck for knowing the Kurdish culture, Kıznaz said she never had any difficulty during the electoral campaigns. “I have been MP candidate for the second time. The Kurdish women have welcomed me with open arms. This is the biggest achievement for me. I have many nice friends and comrades in the region during this period.”
‘HDP will win two seats from Iğdır’
Mentioning the interest of the Kurdish women to her, Kıznaz noted that the HDP will win two seats from Iğdır province. Kıznaz called on all women to struggle along with the HDP and she said, “All segments find a life for themselves in the HDP, they find the fraternity. The HDP ensures equal representation to the peoples and women from all walks of life in order to express themselves freely. And we start our work with the slogan, ‘Women, Life, Freedom’.” Kıznaz called on all people to support the HDP on June