From genocide to freedom (3)

  • 11:57 31 July 2024
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Life in Shengal has changed with Abdullah Ocalan's thoughts!
Ronahî Zerdeşt
ŞENGAL - Leylê Berkat, who witnessed the DAİS attack on Şengal and the edict, stated that their lives changed with the thoughts of Abdullah Ocalan and said, "If we had recognised the thoughts of the leadership and educated ourselves before the edict, we would have been able to protect ourselves during the edict and prevent our women and children from falling into the hands of the enemy." 
On 3 August 2014, 10 years have passed since DAIS attacked Shengal (Sinjar). Thousands of women were massacred, thousands were kidnapped and sold in slave markets. The fate of many of the women kidnapped by DAIS is unknown. Yazidi women are strengthening their struggle and organisation during and after the expulsion of DAIS from Sinjar.
Leylê Berkat, who witnessed the DAIS attack on Shengal, made evaluations. 
'We realised when DAIS came to Gir Zerê'
Leylê said, "Ferman was very painful, men were massacred, our girls and children were captured by DAIS." Leylê said, "When we heard the name of DAIS, first the general road was blocked, no one was using that road, neither the army nor the police could use it. When we asked, they said that DAIS was coming, but not for the Yazidis. They said they were coming for Tilefer. About a month later, they left Tilefer and headed towards us. When DAIS came to Gir Zerê, the war started.  Then we realised that there was an edict against us. Some people fled.  Others did not understand and stayed in their places. After a while, the war started between the people and the gangs. It was around 2 o'clock at night when the news about the arrival of DAIS reached us. We suddenly got up. We could not sleep because of the gunshots until the morning, the war was very fierce."  
11 days on the mountain
Reminding that DAIS attacked them with heavy weapons, Leylê said, "It was very hot when we fled. Many children died of thirst.  We stayed on the mountain for 11 days as a family. It was a painful situation. One of my sons was very young and I thought he would die because there was no milk and water. Not only me but many Yazidi children were in this situation. They were falling from hunger and thirst. Again on the day of the edict, we saw how they treated boys and girls differently. They would leave the girls and take the boys with them. I did not want to leave the girls. My mother-in-law and I took the girls to the mountain together. After 11 days on the mountain, PKK fighters came. They gave us water and food. Then they took us to Rojava. After staying there for a day, we moved to Bashûr." 
3 years in the South
Leylê, who returned to Shengal after staying in the South for 3 years with her family, said the following: "Everyone was telling us that it was not safe to go to Shengal. However, I told them that I would return to Shengal and that I wanted my children to know what the edict was like. I wanted them to know how to protect themselves and their land against the enemy. No matter what happens, one can protect oneself in one's own land. 3 years later, when I came back to my village, I saw how our boys and girls were protecting their own land. That's why I said we should support these friends until we have a drop of blood left."
It continues with different methods
Stating that the edict has not ended today, Leylê said, "The enemy is attacking with different methods today, wants to continue the edict and wants to take us away from our culture and belief."
They solve their problems themselves
Leylê, who after returning to her homeland and recognising the ideology of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, participated in the parliamentary work to solve the problems of her community, to reach out to all women, and to prevent the Yazidi community from facing edicts again, said the following about the parliamentary work: "Now we are addressing the problems of our community in the parliament and developing solutions. We do not want the problems of our community to go to the government.  We want to solve them ourselves as a parliament." 
Education of women and society
Leylê stated that they want women and young people to be educated with the thoughts of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan so that the Yazidi community will not be faced with edicts again and can protect itself against attacks and said, "If we had known the thoughts of the leadership before the edict and had educated ourselves with his thoughts, we could have protected ourselves so that women and children would not fall into the hands of the enemy during the edict. People who educate themselves with the thoughts of the leadership do not forget their own culture and beliefs and do not fall into the trap of the enemy."  
'Return' call to Yazidis in camps 
Leylê finally said the following: "I ask the Yazidis in the camps to return to their own lands. We do not discriminate between any people. They should return to their own land. Another place and another dress will not suit them. Our hope is that Yazidi women in the hands of DAIS will be rescued."