İHD demands patient prisoner Süreyya Bulut to be released

  • 16:35 26 May 2018
  • News
İZMİR - Human Rights Association (İHD) Izmir Branch drew attention to the condition of patient prisoner Süreyya Bulut, who has been held in Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison, and demanded her release.
On the 434th week of the “Disappeared persons should be found and perpetrators should be tried” and “Patient prisoners should be released” action, Human Rights Association (İnsan Hakları Derneği-İHD) members gathered outside of the building of Prime Ministry and drew attention to the patient prisoners. The members carried the banners reading, “No to one-type uniform”, “One-type uniform is a torture” and “Human dignity will overcome the torture”. Ahmet Çiçek, one of the administrators of the İHD Izmir Branch, read the statement and he said the prisons carried many painful days in the days while the country was preparing for a new election process. Noting that the elections have been held for years, Ahmet pointed out that many politicians ignored the ongoing inhumanity in prisons.
Expressing that the one-type uniform obligation increases the tension in the prisons, Ahmet said, “This week, we will draw attention to the condition of Süreyya Bulut and we will call on the public opinion and authorities to show awareness.”  
The sit-in ended after the statement.