Politics call for women under roof of DBP

  • 12:15 16 December 2017
  • News
Şehriban Aslan
DİYARBAKIR - Pointing out that there is a problem in politics about woman, the state want to remove women from politics, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) MP Halide Türkoğlu made a political call in DBP,which enters into new organizing process after the provincial and district congresses.
The struggle for women's rights for many years has brought about many achievements. AKP, which rules the country with emergency decrees (OHAL), started with declarations of statutory decrees (KHKs) and going towards women’s achievements. Many women's associations, institutions and shelters have been closed by the declaration of statutory decrees. However, women have resisted the attacks of the AKP on the achievements of women and the women continue to resist. Pointing the importance of the resistance against attacks on women’s achievements, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) MP Halide Türkoğlu said, “While AKP is trying to remove opponent classes by the statutory decrees, we are trying to strengthen women’ power, on the contrary.  The women’s struggle has an important place at this stage”
‘We struggled a lot’
Saying that woman and politics are related to each other, Halide stated that the policies towards women are in a decisive place at this stage. Halide added, “Many gains of women have been usurped by the AKP government due to the policies that exacerbated the war. The government want to send women to their homes somehow. At this point, the mechanism that we call politics puts itself into action. The state doesn’t want women to be in politics. Women struggled a lot to take part in politics, and with it many gains were obtained. However, unfortunately the state attacks on women as a result of the exacerbated war in the region during the emergency decree.”
‘Women’ struggle has an important place’
Halide says that municipal councilors and co-presidents and politicians are held pledge within the scope of attacks on the local administrations of the DBP, and takes a scope of this as the sending home policy. “On July 9, we were in a congressional process as DBP Headquarters. In the process of the Congress, there was a mission debate again under the heading of academia, local governments and organization. We have entered a process that neighborhoods and NGOs would take place in it. While AKP is trying to remove opponent classes by the statutory decrees, we are trying to strengthen women’s power, on the contrary.  The women’s struggle has an important place at this stage” said Halide.
‘Purpose is ideological contruction’
Recalling that many women's institutions closed with the statutory decrees, Halide drawn attention to the women’s centers, which are wanted to transform by appointing trustee. Stating that women, who were running union activities have been arrested and the only request of the state is the construction of a new ideology, Halide said, “We are talking about the educational work and the reconstruction of local governments just for this".
Call for struggle to protect gains under the roof of DBP
Pointing out the importance of politics being reprocessed by women in this process, in which women's gains are being tried to be destroyed, Halide continued as follows: “DBP has a mission to bring politics to women's ideology. DBP talks with NGOs, makes public meetings. As the Congressional Commission, we believe that women constitute comprises an important mass that can be answer to this process. Our party has a female-oriented look. It is an ideology that creates itself through women's ideology. We care about all of our women to apply to our administrations to take advantage of their achievements, to develop proposals, and to create a debate on the field they work on in the neighborhood, on the street, at home."