Call from Istanbul Democratic Institutions Platform for Abdullah Öcalan

  • 17:11 21 October 2017
  • News
ISTANBUL – Istanbul Democratic Institutions Platform will be at Khalkedon Square of Istanbul’s Kadıköy district on October 22 for the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Istanbul Democratic Institutions Platform held a press conference in the provincial building of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) with the motto, “We will not stop for PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan's health, life and freedom”.
‘What is going on is worrisome’
Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-spokesperson Rojda Yıldız read the press statement on behalf of participants. Rojda recalled that the recent shares on social media about PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s health and safety conditions and she stated that what is going on is worrisome. Rojda continued to read the statement as follows; “Such kinds of these news that have emerged periodically throughout the history of Imralı isolation is a sign that the conspiratorial politics, which gave Mr. Öcalan to Turkey after an international plot in 1999, still continue. The physical elimination, one of the plot's first goals, failed when the Kurdish people built fire circle around the life of Mr.Öcalan. Thereupon, Mr. Öcalan's right to security, was always kept under threat, it is still kept under threat by 'National Imralı Policies’ whose every moment is a death corridor.”
'Guarantee of freedom'
Mentioning that the news about the life of Abdullah Öcalan causes public concern, Rojda said, “The statement of the Public Prosecutor of Bursa about Mr. Öcalan cannot eliminate the concerns and it is not believable. It is known that no news has been received from Mr.Öcalan since September 11, 2016. Visit of his family and lawyers allowed arbitrarily for years, has been uninterruptedly blocked unlawfully. Mr. Öcalan's health and safety means the health and safety of our people, because he is the guarantee of peace, fraternity, justice and freedom in this country. Mr. Öcalan's freedom is the freedom of all peoples of the Middle East, particularly the peoples of Turkey.”
'Struggle for ending the isolation’
Lastly, Rojda talked about the activities they will hold as follows: “The serious claims on recent situation in Imralı Island spread by unofficial accounts are extremely dangerous and these claims should be immediately clarified. The aim of these claims is to break the moral powers of the Kurds and to evaluate their reactions to the mentioned development. We call on all public opinion and international human rights organizations to be aware towards this matter and to struggle to end of the isolation on Mr.Öcalan. We declare that we will not be silent against Imralı isolation and for Mr. Öcalan's life. As Istanbul Democratic Institutions Platform, we invite all peoples to our press statement to be made on October 22 at 3 p.m. at Khalkedon Square of Istanbul’s Kadıköy district.”
Names of the institutions in the Istanbul Democratic Institutions Platform are as follows;
Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Istanbul Provincial Organization, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Istanbul Provincial Organization, Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul Provincial Organization, Democratic Alevis’ Associations (DAD), Istanbul Religious Scholars’ Association (DİAYDER), Solidarity with Prisoners Initiative, Peace Mothers’ Assembly, Kurdish Research Association, Migration Monitoring Association, Mesopotamia Culture Center, Free Press Workers, Initiative for Those Who Lost Their Relatives, Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Istanbul Provincial Organization and Youth Wing and the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) Istanbul Provincial Organization.