Latest in Maxmur and Shengal: KDP withdraws from positions

  • 12:04 17 October 2017
  • News

NEWS CENTER- After the attacks of Iraqi army and Hashd al-Shaabi forces on Kirkuk, they have begun to move to Maxmur and Shengal from Bakırme line.The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) forces have withdrawn from these regions to their positions formed in 2014.

According to reports received from local sources, Iraqi government demanded the peshmerga forces to evacuate the areas between Dubiz, Maxmur and Shengal, entered by KDP peshmergas after the battle between Daesh in 2014, until midnight yesterday. KDP peshmergas have reportedly evacuated Maxmur town, Bakırme, Guwer and Shengal since last night and have withdrawn to their positions formed in 2014.

People don’t leave the refugee camp

The reports say no police officers remain in the Maxmur town and many people in the town left their homes and went to Hewler and the people living in the Maxmur Refugee Camp haven’t evacuated their homes.

KDP peshmergas have reportedly left all regions, including Shengal city center and Sinune suburb under their control and the Hashd al-Shaabi forces have taken the control of these regions.

As the People’s Defence Forces (HPG), YBŞ forces have protected the positions forming a defense line in Shengal, KDP and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (YNK) forces have withdrawn to their positions formed in 2014 in Kirkuk and Maxmur. Meanwhile, the peshmergas have reportedly withdrawn to their positions formed in Shengal in 2003.

KDP left its positions in Shengal

According to reports received from Shengal, peshmerga forces of the KDP have left their positions in Shengal and its villages to the Hashd al-Shaabi forces. HPG-YJA-Star and YBŞ/YJŞ forces are still on their positions in the region.

KDP withdrew from following positions: Shengal city centre, Cement factory and Şebabît, Solax, Til Qesep, Hemedan, Tilbenat, Qinê, Sinûn, Cidalê, Heyalê, Domîz, Werdiya, Golat, Niyêniyat, Herdan, Zorava and Şerfeddin villages.

KDP peshmergas withdrew from Shengal on August 3, 2014 and left it to Daesh gangs.