Flood disaster: Number of people who lost their lives in 3 cities rise to 70

  • 14:08 16 August 2021
  • Life
NEWS CENTER - The number of people who lost their lives in the flood disasters in Kastamonu, Sinop and Bartın increased to 70.
The number of people who lost their lives in the flood disaster that occurred due to excessive precipitatios in three cities in the Western Black Sea region rose to 70. According to Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), 60 people lost their lives in Kastamonu, nine people in Sinop and one person in Bartın. Eight people continue to be treated at the hospital.
So far, 341 people have been evacuated in Ulus district of Bartın, 1480 people in Kastamonu and 560 people in Ayancık district of Sinop province. While some of the evacuees were placed in student dormitories, tents were set up in the region.
On the other hand, it was stated that water could not be supplied to Kastamonu Azdavay and Devrekani districts. Since two wells feeding Bozkurt Neighborhood are destroyed, water cannot be supplied. Again, water cannot be supplied to the neighborhoods outside the Derecik Neighborhood in Bartın Abdipaşa. While the maintenance and repairs of idle wells in Sinop Ayancık were carried out and water was supplied to the district, the 10-kilometer drinking water transmission line that feeding city in the district became unusable.
Within the scope of the investigation initiated after the flood disaster, it was learned that a detention warrant was issued for contractor of a demolished building in Kastamonu.