Women prisoners: ‘We invite forces of democracy to take a stand’

  • 12:42 18 June 2021
  • News
ANKARA - The women politicians on trial in the Kobanê Trial, who issued a statement for the murdered Deniz Poyraz, said: "We invite all forces of democracy and freedom, especially women, to take a stand against this fascist mentality that wants to drag Turkey into the abyss."
The women politicians who were imprisoned in the Kobanê Political Genocide Case issued a statement through their lawyers for Deniz Poyraz, who was killed as a result of the attack on the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir provincial building.
Sebahat Tuncel, the former Co-Chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), published the statement on behalf of women.
Sabahat's statement is as follows:
“We condemn the attack on our party on behalf of the women who are on trial in the HDP file. We commemorate our comrade Deniz Poyraz with respect. Our condolences to her family, party, and friends. We know where these attacks against our party, the Kurdish people and Kurdish women came from.
We invite freedom forces to take a stand
The representatives of the monist, nationalist, sexist, religious and fascist bloc that want to bury the country in darkness, deepen the conflict between peoples and try to keep their power alive, and their rhetoric have prepared the ground for these attacks. To stand against these attacks means to insist on the fraternity of peoples, peace, democracy, and freedom. We invite all forces of democracy and freedom, especially women, to take a stand against this fascist mentality that wants to drag Turkey into the abyss. Jin Jiyan Azadi!”