650 International women’s open letter for a democratic Syria
- 14:03 28 January 2025
- News
NEWS CENTER: 650 women and women's organisations from 50 countries published an open letter in support of the Syrian Women's Assembly's declaration, calling for the recognition of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, for women to take an active role in the reconstruction of Syria and for Turkey to stop its attacks.
In an open letter, 650 women's organisations from 50 countries in different continents as well as many prominent personalities published an open letter in support of the declaration issued by the Syrian Women's Assembly, calling for the official recognition of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. The letter, addressed to United Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres, UN Women Executive Director Sima Sami Bahous, President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, President of the Council of Europe Antonio Luis Santos Da Costa and Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit, emphasised the need for reconstruction in Syria after the fall of the Baath regime.
The letter contained the following statements:
“Since the fall of the Assad regime in Syria on December 8, 2024, discussions have been underway about the future of Syria, and with that, the new opportunities for a democratic reconstruction of Syrian society. It is essential that society itself shapes and advances this reconstruction. It is also essential that Syria's women are involved in shaping this process by co-constructing politics and all spheres of life in a self-determined way.
Syria has been in a state of civil war for more than a decade, a process which began with an uprising against the oppressive Baathist regime. In the 13 years that followed, society was repeatedly confronted with the most atrocious crimes against humanity by various terrorist groups such as the so-called Islamic State or invasion attacks by the Turkish state in violation of international law.
Social self-management model built
In Northern and Eastern Syria, the Kurdish population has been building a self-governing society based on women's liberation, ecology and grassroots democracy since 2012. Women have played a very important role in this. In this social model, women take on responsibility and are represented in all areas of social and political life. They have organized themselves to defend themselves and the lives of all. The women's defense units of the YPJ, together with the YPG and SDF, fought against the Islamic State and liberated numerous cities from its reign. The social model of democratic confederalism in Northern and Eastern Syria has created a multi-ethnic and multi-religious coexistence that can serve as a model for re-organization across Syria.
They united and organised against the attacks
Women in Syria have united and organized to fight back against the attacks on women and society as a whole. They are determined to work towards shaping the peace process, for a democratic society, and for truth and justice. For this reason, on December 22, 2024, the Syrian Women's Council presented a declaration to reshape Syria. In this declaration, the association, made up of women from different ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds, calls for the decisive participation of women and all parts of Syrian society in the political processes.
We support the 13 goals and demands (attached) developed by the Syrian Women's Council to build a new democratic Syria based on women's participation. Moreover, the recognition and participation of the Democratic Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria (DAANES) in the current process is also essential for a democratic future in Syria.
Call to support civil society
We call on the international community and all political actors to officially recognise the DAANES, to directly support the civil organisations there and to establish long-term cooperation. We call for support and political alliances with democratic women's organizations and civil society across Syria, rather than cooperation with jihadist groups whose ideology and practice is based on the humiliation and violent oppression of women.
We also call for an immediate halt to arms deliveries and political concessions to Turkey. Diplomatic relations with the democratic forces in Syria must be strengthened in order to stop Turkey's violent attacks, to end the war and to enable the construction of a democratic Syria. Now is the time to strengthen the democratic forces in the Middle East, like the DAANES, and to stand with the women fighting for freedom, peace and democracy in Syria!
Signatures in alphabetical:
1. 20th IPPNW Working Group Human Rights Turkey – Germany
2. Abdollahyan Armita, Woman’s rights activist – Australia
3. Abdullah Kiner, writer - Iraq
4. Abrahamian Kamee, activist feminist, interdisciplinary artist, filmmaker, writer, producer, originary from Armenia - Canada
5. Abu Alis Boushra, responsible for Coalition 188 - Iraq
6. Acar Başaran Ayşe, former Hdp MP - Turkey
7. Acerbis Simona, major of Berceto - Italy
8. Adoue Silvia, professor at Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP) – Brazil
9. AEDD – Asociación de Ex Detenidos Desaparecidos - Spain
10. Afsah Tara, filmmaker - Germany
11. Aguayo Hernandez Maria Elena, professor - Mexico
12. Aguirre Eliana, Deputy Secretary General of State Workers' Association (ATE) of Buenos Ayres province – Argentina
13. Ahadi Mina, Women's Rights Activist from Iran - Germany
14. Ahmad Saya, District Rector in Vienna, Alsergrund - Austry
15. Ahmadi Nilab, member of party De Vonk in Amsterdam municipality – Netherlands
16. Aiese Cigliano Ileana, Be free coordinator – Italy
17. Aizpurua Mertxe, member of the Congress of Deputies for Euskal Herria Bildu – Basque country
18. Akbulut Gökay, Member of the German Bundestag – Germany
19. Akyuz Latife dr., academician sociologist at Frankfurt University – Germany
20. Al Bustani Delal, Member of the Lebanese Democratic Women's Community - Lebanon
21. Al Farisi Rabiha, executive member of Libyan women in defence of peace network – Libya
22. Al Lami Iman Qasim, Journalist – Iraq
23. Al Mukattari, President of the Democratic Youth Union – Yemen
24. Al Sakkaf Behiye, Human Rights Defender - Yemen
25. Al Shawarbi Sheyma, President of the Women's Union of the Liberal Party of Egypt - Egypt
26. Al Sindy Havin, kurdish artist – Germany
27. Al Taii Dina, journalist - Iraq
28. Al Ubeydi Boushra, activist - Iraq
29. Al Wishahi Amani, representative of the Amazig International Congress Organisation - Morocco
30. Alberghini Nedda, president association ‘Le Case degli Angeli di Daniele’ and president ‘Università della Vita per una Nuova Umanità’ - Italy
31. Alcoba Silvia, deputy general secretary of Territorial national federation (FENAT) - Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
32. Aldin Umeyme Imad, Researcher and Women Activist - Egypt
33. Aldisone Silvia, member of the Comisión Directiva Capital de la Asociación de Trabajadores de la Educación of Neuquén – Argentina
34. Alessandrini Donatella, professor of International Economic Law, Kent Law School – UK
35. Alev Demirel Özlem, member of European Parliament for Left Party - Germany
36. Almendra Guiguanas Vilma Rocío, Nasa and Misak woman, member of Peoples on the way – Colombia
37. Altwerger Bess, education researcher and author, activist for public education, Columbia, Maryland - USA
38. Alvarez Garcia Patricia, member of women's network of the east of the State of Mexico – Mexico
39. Ambrosch Heidemarie, Federal Spokesperson KPÖ - Austry
40. Anastasiou Katerina, Federal Spokesperson KPÖ - Austry
41. Angriman Alejandra, Secretary of Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
42. Anna Massari artist, Italy
43. Antić Gaber Milica, professor of sociology of culture – Slovenia
44. Argentieri Benedetta, director and journalist - Italy
45. Arikan-Payn Nimet, Amazon Dovme, feminist, Istanbul – Turkey
46. Arkawi Samya, lawyer - Sudan
47. Armonie Aps women's association Bologna – Italy
48. Artese Donatella, founder of Archivia Centro Documentazione Donne e Casa Internazionale delle Donne Roma – Italy
49. Asamblea feminista 8M Getafe - Spain
50. Assa Shirin, professor at Bayreuth University And European University for Applied Sciences - Germany
51. Associació Ca la Dona, Barcelona – Catalan Countries
52. Athule Baba Khanya, artist, musician, poet, sounz of the South, Rebel Sistahs - South Africa
53. Audrey Emma, Journalist - France
54. Aydoğan Nursel, former Hdp MP- Turkey
55. Azimipour Sanaz, iranian activist and journalist - Germany
56. Bader Susanne, europeancoordinator of world women' s conference of grassroot women – Germany
57. Bahlen Okoli Metka, pedagogue
– Slovenia
58. Bahzad Lavin, kurdish writer and human rights scholar master - Sweden
59. Baigorria Claudia, general secretary of Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) of Santa Fe – Argentina
60. Bailac Ardanuy Sara, spokesperson of ERC (European Research Council) in the Senate of Spain - Spain
61. Bailey Cora, Director, CLAW, Community Led Animal Welfare, Social Justice Activist - South Africa
62. Bajpai Shrishtee, theme coordinator of Alternatives and Kalpavriksh NPO, facilitation team member of Vikalp Sangam , facilitation team member of Global Tapestry of Alternatives - India
63. Balbi Paola, actress storyteller - Italy
64. Balbuena Amalia, Comunication secreatry of Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
65. Baldelli Simona, writer - Italy
66. Balena Isabella, photographer – Italy
67. Balk Regine, HP Psychotherapie in Ruhestand - Germany
68. Barabino Roberta, singer and songwriter - Italy
69. Barberns Assumpta, Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya - Catalan Countries
70. Barbieri Silvana, coordinator of Fonti di Pace - Italy
71. Barone Valentina, anthropologist and president of the women's association Armonie Aps Bologna - Italy
72. Baroni Maria Carla, member of A.Do.C. (Assemblea Donne Comuniste) - Italy
73. Bayr Petra, Member of the National Council and Member of the Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe - Austry
74. Be free cooperative against trafficking violence and discrimination - Italy
75. Beavis Kara, professor at Queensland University of technology, feminist and human rights activist - South Africa
76. Becerikli Saadet, former Hdp MP- Turkey
77. Begzadeh Golrez, social activist - Denmark
78. Bellani Orsetta, journalist – Mexico
79. Belloso Olga Martín, professor of Food Technologies at Universitat de Lleida - Catalan Countries
80. Benciolini Francesca, councillor of the Municipality of Padua with responsibility for Peace Human Rights and International Cooperation - Italy
81. Benedict Lina, aerospace engineer, Seattle Washington - USA
82. Beretta Lucia, Be free coordinator – Italy
83. Bergés Saura Laura, vicepresident of the Diputacion of Lleida -Catalan Countries
84. Beriwan Kisa Roseline, co-president of France-Kurdistan association - France
85. Bersani Serena, president of ‘Giulia giornaliste - united free autonomous journalists’ association - Italy
86. Beyan Begzadeh , student, human right activist - Denmark
87. Beznec Barbara, researcher, Ljubljana - Slovenia
88. Bhaiya Abha, coordinator of One Billion Rising India - India
89. Bhardwaj Maya, community organizer, trainer, facilitator, researcher, musician, artist - South Africa
90. Biagiarelli Roberta - multidisciplinary artist – Italy
91. Bideguren Gabantxo Idurre, member of the Senate of Spain, member of Euskal Herria Bildu Party – Basque country
92. Biehl Janet, author of social ecologist studies – USA
93. Binici Zeynep, PhD,Cardiologist - Denmark
94. Birlik Leyla, former Hdp MP- Turkey
95. Bisso Marino, member of NO Bavaglio network - Italy
96. Blanco Eba, member of the Basque Parliament - Basque Country
97. Boccia Maria Luisa, writer and politician - Italy
98. Böker Marion, Director, Consultancy on Human Rights & Gender Issues, Berlin - Germany
99. Bolle Francine, historian, lecturer at Université libre de Bruxelles - Belgium
100. Bondi Loretta, journalist former UN official president of the Women's Documentation Centre - Italy
101. Bonsignori Simona, journalist responsible for Manifestolibri – Italy
102. Brambilla Anna, lawyer - Italy
103. Brandtstädter Susanne, academician and professor of Anthropology at University Köln - Germany
104. Brennan Debbie, organiser for Radical Women – Australia
105. Brual Delphine, dancer and comedian, member of "gestes sonores" collective - Belgium
106. Budeaza Babalwa, Unemployed Peoples Movement, Eastern Cape - South Africa
107. Bukovec Vesna, visual artist
– Slovenia
108. Bünger Clara, members of Parliament, Left Party - Germany
109. Burc Roza, political sociologist - Germany
110. Burger Jana, communications expert
– Slovenia
111. Bush Melanie E.L., PhD MPH Professor, Adelphi University US Solidaritat Economy Network May First Movement Technology - USA
112. Cabezas Mercedes, Deputy General Secretary of the State Workers' Association (ATE) – Argentina
113. Cacciani Chiara, journalist - Italy
114. Cajas Avelina Rogel, Coorditor of the Madre Sabia Association, Spiritual Leader Ecuador
115. Çakır-Kılınçoğlu Sevil dr., sociologist, postdoctoral researcher in Social Movements and Gender Studies - Germany
116. Calzolari Monica, councillor for Archaeological Areas, the Municipal Library, the Historical Archive of the City of Tarquinia (VT) – Italy
117. Campanini Anna, photographer - Italy
118. Camps Mirabet Núria, professor of Public International Law and International Relationships at Universitat de Lleida - Catalan Countries
119. Cano Maria José, director of human rights (DDHH) of Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
120. Cappelli Rory, journalist of Repubblica - Italy
121. Capri Sandra, sociologist, independent researcher of matriarcal studies - Italy
122. Carbonaro Carmen Rosaria, psychotherapist – Italy
123. Cárdenas, Miriam academician of Universidad de Guadalajara - Mexico
124. Carlà Daniela, member of ‘Noi rete donne’ network - Italy
125. Carone Anna, agronomist phd, activist – Italy
126. Carranza Susy, feminist, Mujeres del Cordobazo – Argentina
127. Casa Internazionale delle Donne - Italy
128. Catarci Paola, psychoanalyst and member of Italian Psychoanalytic Society – Italy
129. CENI – Kurdsh Women`s office for Peace, Germany
130. Ceroni Rosanna, human rights worker educator rehabilitation minors Genoa – Italy
131. Cervantes Cruz Maribel, member of Proceso de articulación de la sierra de santa Marta, Sur de Veracruz – Mexico
132. Cesar Vargas Samantha, activist and advocate of Territorio, Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra y el Agua, Morelos , Puebla y Tlaxcala – Mexico
133. Chapman Rachel R., professor, University of Washington - USA
134. Chavez Lolita, member of CPK Council of K’iche’ people, community feminist, member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala)- Guatemala
135. Čigon Ana, cultural worker
– Slovenia
136. Cima Laura, member Italian Ecofeminists Coordination - Italy
137. Cinzia Davide midwife, Italy
138. Cioni Fabiana, architect, photographer and artist, art history professor - Italy
139. Ciriza Alejandra, philosopher, academician and researcher at UNCuyo and CONICET, the National Research Agency, member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala) – Argentina
140. CISDA ets (Coordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afghane) - Italy
141. Colectivo de Mujeres Feministas de Huesca - Spain
142. Colectivo Libertarias - Spain
143. Col•lectiu de Dones Feministes de Montcada, Valencia - Catalan Countries
144. Coordinadora feminista of Cartagena - Spain
145. Cordaro Claudia, artist photographer - Italy
146. Cornellá Detrell Dani, spokeperson of GP CUP (Popular Unity Candidacy) - DT - Catalan Countries
147. Corradi Laura, professor in Gender Studies and Intersectional Method, University of Calabria – Italy
148. Cortese Antonella, journalist - Italy
149. Costa Lella, actress - Italy
150. Crippa Maddalena, actress - Italy
151. Crisci Simonetta, lawyer and President of the Association for Political Refugees " Senza confine & quot – Italy
152. Cruciati Chiara, journalist deputy director of the Manifesto - Italy
153. Cruz Leonor, General secretary for genders and diversities of Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
154. Cruz Velázquez Bettina, activist of Asamblea de Pueblos Indígenas del Istmo en Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio – Mexico
155. Cubells Aguilar Lola, profesor of Constitucional Law at Universitat de València - Catalan Countries
156. D'Agostino Aurora, lawyer, co-president Italian Democratic Juristes – Italy
157. Dabata Phumza - Co-ordinator; Abahlali base Freedom Park, Soweto Women’s Group (Eva Hoffman) and Nomachina Nzube and Tespiso Ramahluku
- South Africa
158. Dadarsefatmahboob Mahtab, PhD researcher at University Duisburg-Essen - Germany
159. Dağdeviren Dersim, doctor – Germany
160. Danna Daniela, researcher in Social Science - Italy
161. Davali Chiara, research fellow at the University of Urbino , Italy
162. Davari Mina, student and human rights activist - Sweden
163. Davari Zahra , Human Rights Activist - France
164. David Barbara, manager of Violetta, association against sexual abuse of girls and young women – Germany
165. De Ioanna Lucia, journalist - Italy
166. De León Criado Elena, Political scientist and writer, President of the International Feminist Women's International (IFM) – Spain
167. De Masi Francesca, vice-president Be free cooperative - Italy
168. De Monticelli Roberta, philosopher – Italy
169. Degani Paola, Professor of Women's Human Rights, University of Padua - Italy
170. Del Re Alisa, senior scholar at Ateneo Patavino, Padua - Italy
171. Deligne Chloé, historian, FNRS/ULB - Belgium
172. Della Vanth Sofie, spirtual-feminist researcher, artisan, performer, writer and craniosacral operator, creator of shamanic paths for women - Italy
173. Déniz Verona Palmira, lawyer, legal advisor of the Santa Brígida City Council, Canarias Islands - Spain
174. Dicorato Antonietta, film-maker - Italy
175. Dinc Pinar, associate professor of Political Science, Lund University – Sweden
176. Dioguardi Daniela, provincial president of the Women's Union in Italy, former Member of Parliament for Rifondazione Comunista Party - Italy
177. Disoski Meri, Mag.a, Spokesperson for Foreign and European Policy, Women and Gender Equality Green Club in Parliament - Austry
178. Dobnikar Mojca, translator – Slovenia
179. Dolmann Erica, member of State Workers' Association (ATE) – Argentina
180. Dominguez Viquez Michelle, teacher, secretary of Public Education - Mexico
181. Donne in nero Bologna – Italy
182. Dragon Irmgard, Germany
183. Drohsel Franziska, lawyer and former head of the young socialists in the SPD - Germany
184. Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo - Association for nonviolens communucation
- Slovenia
185. Dukpa Raquel, filmmaker - Germany
186. Dündar Pero, former Hdp MP- Turkey
187. Ekaterina Bloggerman, Be free coordinator – Italy
188. Eklund Lina, PhD, associate senior lecturer at the department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science and centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University - Sweden
189. El Col•lectiu 8 de Març de l'Alcoià i el Comtat - Catalan Countries
190. El Fani Nadia, filmmaker from Tunisia – France
191. Eliseeva Anastasya, Media and Communications Officer, feminist artist, activist at ILRIG Cape Town, Wits Technicon Alumni- ILRIG – International Labour Research and Information Group - South Africa
192. Emin Suzan, journalist - Sweden
193. Enciso González Atahualpa Sofía Alejandra, defender of life and territory, member of Un Salto de Vida from El Salto de Juanacatlán, Jalisco – Mexico
194. Eriksson Peggy, city councillor in the Åland Islands and EFA Vice President - Åland Islands
195. Ershad Shahrazad, artist, photographer and women's rights activist - Canada
196. Esquivel Pat Wilma, territory defender, member of Centro Comunitario U Kúuchil K Ch'i'ibalo'on – Mexico
197. Estrada Canon Lala, president of GP CUP (Popular Unity Candidacy) – DT - Catalan Countries
198. Etxebarrieta Oihana, secretary of feminism and member of the Basque Parliament - Basque Country
199. Evans Jill, former MEP and EFA Vice President - UK
200. Exo Mechthild dr., lecturer in international social work, peace and conflict studies – Germany
201. Fišter Urška, professor, Ljubljana, Slovenia
202. Factorya, feminist information network - Italy
203. Falcioni Daniela, professor of Social Ethics at University of Calabria – Italy
204. Farias Carolina Cecilia, secretary for relations with indigenous peoples of Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) of Buenos Aires province – Argentina
205. Farré Ester Capella, spokesperson of the ERC Parliamentary Group at the Parliament of Catalonia - Catalan Countries
206. Fatafta Bexdad, lawyer - Palestine
207. Fayyad Muna, Writer and academic – Lebanon
208. Fernàndez Dizu Lina, member of CRIC (Consejo regional indígena del Cauca), indigenous authority of the safeguard of Honduras, indigenous judge – Colombia
209. Fernandez Vega Laura, deputy of GP CUP (Popular Unity Candidacy) - OT - Catalan Countries
210. Festagallo Federica, Be free member and cultural mediator – Italy
211. Fidel Dr. Raya, professor emerita in Information Sciences, University of Washington – USA
212. Finocchiaro Angela, actress - Italy
213. Forsman Maria, activist and teacher
- Sweden
214. Fragnito Maddalena, independent researcher – Italy
215. Fraser Nancy, Henry A. and Louise Loeb Professor of Philosophy and Politics New School for Social Research – USA
216. Freeman Abigail BL, Alliance for Peace, Justice and Human Rights – Liberia
217. Fundaciòn de Los Comunes - Spain
218. Gaga Dureeti, administrative assistant at Hennepin County Library, Minneapolis, MN - USA
219. Ganzerla Mariateresa, activist association Armonie - Italy
220. García Rivas Dulce María, traditional natural doctor – Mexico
221. Gargano Oria, president Be free cooperative - Italy
222. Garnier Ortiz Marie, professor of political communication, University of Amsterdam
– Netherlands
223. Garuti Mirca, foreign manager at Alkemia – Italy
224. Gastaldon Giorgia, researcher at University of Insubria, Como - Italy
225. Gedin Hanna, MdEP – Sweden
226. Gemeinsam Kämpfen, Germany
227. Ghaedi Mersedeh, former political prisoner and activist from Iran - UK
228. Ghanbari Inaat, social activist, painter - Netherlands
229. Ghazzawi Razan, syrian palestinian exiled by the regime and a former prisoner, professor at the Oregon State University – USA
230. Gheno Vera, professor at University of Florence – Italy
231. Gilbert Helen, National Organizer, Radical Women U.S. - USA
232. Gillespie Kelly, University of Western Cape, Cape Town - South Africa
233. Giuliana Michelagnoli cartoonist artist, Italy
234. Godinez Jenny, human rights defender - Mexico
235. Goettner-Abendroth Heide dr., author and research in matriarchal societies and cultures, director of International Academy Hagia – Germany
236. Gonsales Natália, actress – Brazil
237. González Esther, MP of the Canary Islands - Spain
238. González Vega Dunia, Former Director General of the Treasury of the Government of the Canary Islands - Spain
239. Grabar Nika, architect – Slovenia
240. Greco Maria Rosaria, fondatrice Femminile palestinese – Italia
241. Gren Nina, Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology Dep of Sociology at Lund University - Sweden
242. Grigio Fiorella, president of Centro Pandora APS, Padua – Italy
243. Grilla Mimma, freelancer Casablanca and Meyyocieleo, member of editorial staff of Le Siciliane - Italy
244. Grillo Rosa Maria, lecturer at the University of Salerno – Italy
245. Grisendi Francesca, actress - Italy
246. Grobler Ana, gallery manager
– Slovenia
247. Grossi Celeste, ARCI national manager for Gender Policies – Italy
248. Grünn Gerlinde, Mag., State Spokesperson KPÖ Upper Austria - Austry
249. Grup de dones Vilarreal - Spain
250. Guarda Cristina, MEP for Greens/EFA - Italy
251. Guarisco Sara, ceramic artist – Italy
252. Guerra Sánchez María Isabel, psychologist specializing in Gender Based Violence - Spain
253. Guerry Hoddersen Anne, National Chairperson of U.S. Freedom Socialist Party - USA
254. Gupta Rahila, chair of Southall Black Sisters – UK
255. Guzmàn Arroyo Adriana, leading figure in anti-patriarchal community feminism, member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala) – Bolivia
256. Habermann Friederike dr, economist, historian, author and independet researcher - Germany
257. Hackmann Daniela, M.A., Families for peace - Germany
258. Hackmann Gerd, medical doctor, - Germany
259. Hajer Minke, professor of sociology, Utrecht University
– Netherlands
260. Hajzler Saša, journalist, Radio študent, Ljubljana – Slovenia
261. Hakimova Aigul, community organiser, Ljubljana - Slovenia
262. Heddadin Hiba, Director General of the Association for Equality for Human Rights and Education - Jordan
263. Hermida Martín Yanira, historiadora, Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife) – Spain
264. Hernández Castillo Rosalva Aida, anthropologist with a PhD in Philosophy and professor at CIESAS in Mexico City, member of the Network of decolonial feminisms (Red de feminismos decoloniales), Women and the sıxth - Mexıco
265. Hernández Jorge Carmen, MP of the Canary Islands – Spain
266. Hernández Natalia, feminist activist, academician – Colombia
267. Herrera Cruz María Encarnación, local councillor in the Canary Islands - Spain
268. Hezer Tuba, former Hdp MP- Turkey
269. Hideydan Delula, journalist - Algeria
270. Hlope Simphimphilo Allea, Editor, writer, FundzaMag, Eswatini - South Africa
271. Hvala Tea, sociologist – Slovenia
272. Ibrahimi Masooma, artist, writer and filmmaker who reported on women's rights in Afghanistan media, Seattle,Washington – USA
273. Imret Leyla, former mayor of Cizre - Turkey
274. International Alliance of Women (IWA)
275. Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya - Catalan Countries
276. Irmak Selma, former Hdp MP- Turkey
277. Ituño Itziar, attrice – Basque country
278. Ivanc Jera, cultural worker
– Slovenia
279. Iveković Rada, professor – France
280. Jakovljevic Marija, Sociologist – Serbia
281. Jan Sylvie, honor president of France-Kurdistan association – France
282. Jiménez Aragòn Irati, member of Parliament in the Parliament of Nafarroa – Spain
283. Jiménez Martín María Inés, Vice President of the Island Cabildo of Gran Canaria – Spain
284. Kabayel Hüriye, Co-chair of the federation of the alevi association (FEDA), Germany
285. Kadir Soreti B, political activist and journalist, Oromo Democratic Revolutionary Party, Oromia - Ethiopia
286. Kahr Elke, chairwoman of the KPÖ Graz and Mayor of Graz - Austry
287. Kajee Ayesha -Co-ordinator, Sofasonke movement, Johannesburg - South Africa
288. Kakabaveh Amineh, former PM of the Swedish Parliament and women rights activist - Sweden
289. Kaltenhäuser Elisabeth, member of Alliance for Justice between Isrealis and Palestinians - Germany
290. Katayama Seena, Broadcaster for Queering The Air 3CR Radio and Podcast – Australia
291. Kavčič Vesna, translator and teacher of English, Ljubljana
– Slovenia
292. Kay Zara, founder of Faithless Hijabi - Sweden
293. Kemalbay Serpil, former Hdp MP- Turkey
294. Khala Cheryl, writer and artist, content strategist
- South Africa
295. Khalid Zainab dr, postdoc- adaptation Hive Development Geography, Institute of Geography, University of Bonn - Germany
296. Khodayari Maryam, health care worker - Sweden
297. Kim Caroline, south korean writer – USA
298. Kirpensteijn Jolanda, sports trainer, coach – Netherlands
299. Kitab Hetaw, Istanbul - Turkey
300. Klemm Peri, professor at California State University, Northridge, California - USA
301. Koçali Filiz, journalist- Turkey
302. Köhler Susanne, CEO Memorial Press Freedom, fighters for Truth, Frankfurt – Germany
303. Koko Neimet, researcher specialized in Development and Alternative Policies - Sudan
304. Kolektiv Fem TV- Collective Fem
- Slovenia
305. Kolektiv Rdeče zore - Collective Red Dawns – Slovenia
306. Kolektiv spol.si - Collective of translators
- Slovenia
307. Konca Besime, former Hdp MP- Turkey
308. Kongra Star, Rojava
309. Korol Claudia, feminist member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala) – Argentina
310. Kovač Vanja, Journalist RTV, Ljubljana – Slovenia
311. Kozinc Nina, editor - Slovenia
312. Kralj Ana, academic – Slovenia
313. Kumar Tadeja, textile designer, Ljubljana – Slovenia
314. Kurt Şeyda, Journalist and author – Germany
315. Kurtulan Fatma, former Hdp MP- Turkey
316. Kuwee Kumsa Martha, board member at Siinqee Institute - Canada
317. L’Aurora, marxist organization - Catalan countries
318. La Penna Benedetta, Equal Opportunities councillor of Abruzzo Region - Italy
319. Langensiepen Katrin, MEP of Greens/EFA - Germany
320. Leccabue Fabrizio, former CNR researcher, retired editor of the magazine ‘Dal lato del torto’ - Italy
321. Leccardi Carmen, professor emerita at University Milano Bicocca - Italy
322. Ledesma Coni, central feminist figures in the Philippines, member of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines – Netherlands
323. Leduc Valentina, documentalist – Mexico
324. Lesconfinate, feminist cultural association – Italy
325. Leskošek Vesna, lecturer, researcher, professor – Slovenia
326. Lessa Iara, retired professor, University of Toronto – Canada
327. Lete Cristina dr., MD, obstetrician-gynocologist, retired, Newton, Massachusetts - USA
328. Ličer Ksenija, English translator, Ljubljana
– Slovenia
329. Ličer Laura, personal assistant to disabled, Ljubljana – Slovenia
330. LIVRE Party - Portugal
331. Lokar Grden Tina, sociologist and philosopher, Brussels - Belgium
332. Lokar Sonja, international gender expert Ljubiyana – Slovenia
333. loose Lena Maria, fotografie – Germany
334. López de Lacalle Lorena, EFA (European Free Alliance) president – Basque country
335. López Díaz Leticia, former local councilor in the Canary Islands - Spain
336. López González Sara, advocate of DDHH de la Resistencia Civil de Candelaria Nora Tzec, activist and advocate of Las semillas y el territorio, member of Red Mayense de Guardianas y Guardianes de Semillas – Mexico
337. López Medina Celeste, Councilor and Spokesperson of Telde City Council, Gran Canaria – Spain
338. López Mondéjar Lola, psychoanalyst and writer, Murcia - Spain
339. López Sánchez Lorena, responsible for European Affairs of Nueva Canarias and Vice President of EFA – Spain
340. Lorenz Paulina, film producer – Germany
341. Lori Barbara, vice president of the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Romagna Region - Italy
342. Löw Christine, dr. political scientist, Frankfurt Main - Germany
343. Lucas Marieme Helie, algerian feminist founder of Secularism Is A Women's Issue ( siawi) and Women Living Under Muslim Law (wluml) - Algeria
344. Lucero Miranda, member of CRIC (Consejo regional indígena del Cauca), governator of the safeguard of Cofradia – Colombia
345. Lucietta Marittima osteopath teacher, Italy
346. Lucu Tina, journalist, Ljubljana
– Slovenia
347. Lulli Francesca, anthropologist, independent researcher and cooperation consultant NGO – Italy
348. Lunaček Sarah, assit. prof., anthropologist
– Slovenia
349. Luschnat HP Ruth, social worker and mrmber at Lavhesis and in uniıon Verdi, Berlin - German
350. Mabuza Nondumiso, Advocacy Manager- Carolina Eco-Green Economy
- South Africa
351. Madallah Mahasen, activist - Syria
352. Magagula Siphilele, Cultural Practitioner & Branding Consultant, Kingdom of Eswatini – Sud Africa
353. Maguire Cindy, co-director of ArtsAction Group, professor at Adelphi University - USA
354. Majerhold Katarina, master of science (philosophy), managing editor of the scientific Journal, Ljubiyana
- Slovenia
355. Majsova Natalija, culturologist
– Slovenia
356. Maksimovic Galina, playwright and program coordinator of Reconstruction Women's Fund – Serbia
357. Malala Aps Association Women's eyes on peace - Italy
358. Mandacovich Mariana, deputy secretary general of Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
359. Manotti Brunella, president of the ANPI Parma section - Italy
360. Manzi Alessia, journalist – Italy
361. Maosouri Pouran, nurse - Sweden
362. Mapelli Barbara, essayist and educationalist - Italy
363. Maraini Dacia, writer – Italy
364. Marchesini Matilde, MANI Association – Italy
365. Marcos Sylvia, academician post-doctoral fellow in Psychology and Sociology of Religions at Harvard University, founder of the Network of decolonial feminisms (Red de feminismos decoloniales) – Mexico
366. Marta Panighel, PhD (She/They), Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ERC Project F-WORD, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin, Genova
367. Martinez Roa Karla Alegría, midwife and healer – Mexic
368. Marxa Mundial de Dones València - Catalan Countries
369. Massard Lydie, former MEP and member of UDB - France
370. Massari Pia Angela, secondary school teacher , Italy
371. Massey Susan, PhD, applied Mathematician and Research at USA Software Engineer, Phoenix, Arizona - USA
372. Mastrogiovanni Marilù, member of ‘Forum of Mediterranean women journalists’, European climate Pact ambassador - Italy
373. Masudi Zaman, pensioner - Germany
374. Matas Salla Francesc, executive committe of L’Aurora organization - Catalan Countries
375. Matima Manana, co-ordinator; Women in Agricultural Rural Movement, WiARM; Midvaal
- South Africa
376. Matin Kamran, Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex - UK
377. Maupertuis Marie Antoinette, President of the Corsican Assembly – Corsica
378. Mearini Marta, Be free coordinator - Italy