Numerous detentions within scope of Istanbul-based investigation

  • 13:52 15 October 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - As part of the operation launched in Istanbul, many people were detained in the raids on houses.
Within the scope of the investigation, which was started in 16 provinces based in Istanbul, detention warrants were issued for 126 people. With the decision, police raided many addresses this morning. It is stated that 54 people have been detained in the raids so far.
The People’s Law Office announced the detentions on its digital media account. Those whose names were learned and announced by the People’s Law Office are as follows: ‘’Ceren Züleyha Aybay, Reyha Yücel, Ali Yücel, Dehman Göçer, Necla Can, Ezgi Kul, Nagehan Kurt, Musa Kurt, Esra Mulla, Melek Akgün, Eda Yaren, Alişan Gül and Melek Akgün, Münevver Aşçı, Mustafa Yılmaz, Ali Naki Özdemir, Yalçın Gürenin, Mehmet Özdemir, Türkan Katırcı.’’
On the other hand, the houses of Olgun Özmen, Ali Şenol, Murat Aslan, Mehmet Yücetepe and Bektaş Özder were raided by the police. However, there was no information obtained about whether they were detained or not.