Voters whose ballot boxes relocated depart to vote

  • 12:59 24 June 2018
  • News
VAN - The ballot boxes in neighborhoods and villages of Van’s Özalp district have been relocated. The voters departed from the neighborhoods and villages to vote in the morning.
The voters, whose ballot boxes relocated by the High Electoral Board (YSK), have departed from their neighborhoods and villages to vote. The people living in Damlacık (Reşika) neighborhood of Van’s Özalp district have begun to walk to Tulgalı (Axruk) neighborhood, eight kilometers far away from their neighborhood. 55-year-old Xunav Bilen reacted to the relocation of the ballot boxes and said, “Relocation of the ballot boxes makes no sense to us. We walked and voted in the morning. I hope we will win.”
‘We will vote to end this oppression’
The voters living in Oymaklı (İngiz) neighborhood of Van’s Özalp district walked to Eğriveren (Hesen Temiran) neighborhood, two kilometers far away from their neighborhood, to vote. Ayşe Naya, one of the neighborhood residents, said, “We would go to polls even if ballot boxes were relocated to another places. We will vote to end this oppression.”