Women to protect ballot boxes in Batman province

  • 13:38 17 June 2018
  • News
BATMAN - Members of the Free Women’s Movement (TJA) said 250 women would work for the upcoming elections in Batman province. “We are in the streets, politics, we will never stand behind walls,” said the women.
Free Women’s Movement (TJA) activists have carried out work for the elections to be held in Turkey on June 24 for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) with the active participation of women. Reporting that 250 women have been tasked for protecting the ballot boxes in Batman province, the TJA members said they continued to work despite all pressures. Pointing out that their electoral campaign haven’t been shown by the press, the women underlined that 75 percent of the electoral campaign has been carried out by women in the city. The women called on all women to be volunteers for security of the elections.
TJA activist Sedef Özdemir recalled that they kicked off their electoral campaign in Hasankeyf with the motto, “Free women, free society”. Sedef emphasized that 250 women carried out the electoral campaign in the villages and the city center. Expressing that the mindset of the AKP has fueled the violence against women for 16 years, Sedef called on all women as follows; “The aim of the AKP is to cage the women within four walls, we will overcome this mindset. We are always in the streets; we will never stand behind walls. We should work night and day until June 24. We are in the streets, politics. We will continue to exist despite all kinds of violence.”
75 percent of electoral campaign carried out by women
Another TJA activist Derya Asla noted that these elections are important to take revenge from the AKP for what it has imposed on women and the people for 16 years. Stating that on June 24, they will respond the policies bombed the cities, dragged the dead people behind armored vehicles, seized the institutions by appointing trustees and put their will behind bars, Derya said they organized events everywhere as TJA members. Pointing out that 75 percent of electoral campaign in Batman province has been carried out by women, Derya said, “Women are in all commissions. We carry out very successful work in this regard; however, we are under isolation as TJA members because what we are doing hasn’t been reported by the press.”
‘Nearly 250 women will work for security of ballot boxes’
TJA member Songül Korkmaz said they carried out intense works on safety of the ballot boxes. Songül also said that nearly 250 women will work on the elections day for protect the ballot boxes.