Pride March in İzmir: You are not guilty, those who hate are guilty

  • 10:55 11 June 2018
  • News
İZMİR - Thousands got together for the Pride March held in İzmir for sixth time. “Don’t feel sad, don’t be ashamed. You are not guilty, those who hate are guilty,” said LGBTI people who stated that they marched against hate speech.
Yesterday, LGBTI people got together for the Pride March held in İzmir for sixth time. The march started in front of the building of the Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM) and ended in front of the Türkan Sayan Cultural Center in İzmir. MP candidates of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the Republican People's Party (CHP) also joined the march.
After the march, LGBTI İzmir Spokesperson Semih Aydemir read a statement and said they marched against those who described the existence of the LGBTI people as “Sin, crime and sickness”. “Don’t feel sad for be out of the gender taboos. You are not guilty, those who hate are guilty. Today we will march against violence, hatred and discrimination,” said Semih.
After the statement, a group marching to Gündoğdu Square was stopped by police and they were told they were allowed to sit in square if they left their banners.