Sebahat Tuncel: Now it's time for women to sing new songs

  • 10:46 29 May 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - “New times need new songs. Now it’s time for women to sing new songs. I believe that June 24 will be a new beginning for the women to sing new freedom songs and anthems,” said DBP Co-chair Sebahat Tuncel and she called on all women to struggle under the umbrella of the HDP.
Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-chair Sebahat Tuncel, who has been held in Kandıra F-type Prison, sent a letter to our news agency about the elections to be held on June 24 in Turkey. In her letter, Sebahat wrote that the parties have already announced their lists of MPs candidates and their manifestos and that there is no surprise for women; “Again we observe that all parties, except HDP, give no place to women and that they approach women only as voting potential.”
Sebahat called on all women to get together under the umbrella of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP); “As women, we should see this reality and it’s time for women to participate in politics in the HDP in order to raise the women’s freedom struggle and to build a free and equal life with women.”
‘We should transform by struggling’
“We know from our own experience that no decisions are made for women in places where there are no women and the male dominant system captures women in traditional roles far away from social life. For this reason, we should transform them by struggle instead of waiting for the parties to give us a place in their lists.
‘We can do nice things for women’
“Election processes are processes that provide opportunities for women to participate. Now, there is an opportunity for the feminist and socialist women's movements, women who carry out the women's freedom struggle, the women wanting to walk in the streets without fear and for those who say ‘No’ to male-dominant system. We can do nice things for women by being in solidarity with the HDP. If we want to create a new world, we should shape it by ourselves. New times need new songs. Now it’s time for women to sing new songs. I believe that June 24 will be a new beginning for the women to sing new freedom songs and anthems.”