Pervin Buldan: The Kurds will not vote for AKP

  • 15:29 26 May 2018
  • News
ISTANBUL - Responding the order of “Bury the HDP in ballot box”, the HDP Co-chair Pervin Buldan said, “Until now, no one has been able to bury the HDP in the ballot box, you will not be able to bury it. MHP members are being tried to be sent to the Parliament by the votes of the Kurds. Now, the Kurds have turned their back on the AKP.  The AKP will no longer get a single vote from the Kurds, Alevis and young people.” 
Electoral campaigns of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) are going on. The HDP Co-chair Pervin Buldan attended the opening of election campaign booth in Esentepe Neighborhood of Istanbul’s Sarıgazi district. The pictures of HDP Co-chairs Pervin Buldan and Sezai Temelli and the HDP’s presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtaş were hung in the election booth. The people carrying a banner reading, “You can do” welcomed Pervin by chanting slogans such as “HDP is the people, the people are here” and “Women, Life, Freedom.”
Pervin Buldan greeted the people in Kurdish. Stating that the elections to be held on June 24 will change the destiny of the peoples of Turkey, Pervin said the election had a great importance for the women. Indicating that the AKP will account before all oppressed people of the country, Pervin added that the upcoming elections are the last opportunity for the peoples of Turkey.
‘AKP will lose in Istanbul’
Stating that the AKP government will lose, Pervin emphasized the AKP government would first lose in Istanbul; “The people living in Istanbul from Botan, Black Sea and Serhat will change this. All of us give Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksedağ our word. We give those who resisted during the curfews our word.”
‘We began our journey to break the oppression of one-man’
“We are not only the Kurds in this country; we are also youths and women in this country. As women and men, we are here as the people from all ages. We began our journey to break the oppression of one-man,” Pervin said, “We entrust the candidates of this region to first Allah and then to you. We began our journey to make Demirtaş, who has been held behind the bars, president. Those who are afraid of Demirtaş' will and courage, should not forget that; Dear Demirtaş will be the president of this country on the evening of June 24. Those who try to eliminate the HDP from the parliament, put our MPs in prisons, appoint the trustees to the municipalities should know very well that we will get into the parliament more powerful. Our goal is to get more than two millions votes in Istanbul.”
Saying that they will work against the order of “Bury the HDP in ballot box”, Pervin continued to talk as follows; “Until now, no one has been able to bury the HDP in the ballot box, you will not be able to bury it. MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) members are being tried to be sent to the Parliament by the votes of the Kurds. Now, the Kurds have turned their back on the AKP.  The AKP will no longer get a single vote from the Kurds, Alevis and young people. We are now on a knife-edge. For this reason, we will work day and night. If the HDP doesn’t pass the election threshold, all votes of the HDP will go to the AKP. If the AKP gets into parliament powerfully, what has been going on in this country for 16 years will go on. Then the unlawfulness will go on. All of us should work hard. We believe in women, peoples. We will prevail all together.”
‘We will win or we will win’
Pervin ended her speech by saying “We will win or we will win”. Pervin and the people with her went to open the election booth in Karayolları Neighborhood of Istanbul’s Gaziosmanpaşa district.