Women’s place for solution in Aleppo: Şexmeqsud Women's Foundation

  • 10:42 19 May 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Şexmeqsud Women's Foundation has become the women’s first destination to solve the problem they face since it was founded. The foundation, which carries out a nonstop struggle to implement and defend the legislative regulations about the women, tries to be a solution force for social problems.
The Şexmeqsud Women's Foundation was founded in 2011 to organize women and solve the problems they face. The Women’s Foundation located in the Şexmeqsud Neighborhood of Aleppo has organized training programs for women and carried out works for the women’s problems since it was founded.
The foundation has held various meetings and seminars for women’s organization and it has carried out works to solve the problems that women face such as against child marriage, bride exchange and polygamy and it has also held workshops for the women. The women first go to the foundation when they face problems and the foundation gets two parties together and tries to find a solution by negotiation means. The problems that cannot be solved are sent to asayish forces. According to the information received from the foundation administrators, the foundation has received averagely five applications per week.
The foundation teach the women how to write and read
The foundation has also opened Arabic and Kurdish languages courses for the illiterate women. Tens of women living in the neighborhood have learned how to write and read until now.
 Perişan Reşid, one of the administrators of the foundation, emphasized that they have overcome many difficulties until now and that the foundation is the first place for the women of the neighborhood.