Panel held in Diyarbakır for Kurdish Language Day

  • 14:44 12 May 2018
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - A panel has been held in Diyarbakır for the Kurdish Language Day celebrated annually on May 15. The importance of native language and its effects on children were discussed during the panel.
A panel has been held at Eğitim Sen No.1 Branch in Diyarbakır for the Kurdish Language Day celebrated annually on May 15. Kurdish writers, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) members, students of Kurdish Language Research and Development Association (Kurdi-Der), which was closed down by an emergency decree,  and members of the many NGOs attended the panel.
The panel moderator Enîse Ekinci began to speak by talking about the history of Kurdish Language Day and started the panel. After the speech of Enîse, Kurdish writer Adar Jiyan began to speak. Adar said the panel was held there today thanks to our achievements. Mentioning the relationship of the Kurdish language with nature, mother and child, Adar said that the children still learn the Kurdish language by recording every minute of their mothers because the women still protect their relationship with the nature.
The panel will end after the presentations of  the Kurdish writers Selim Temo and Süleyman Yılmaz.