‘24 June will be the day we will take a step into democracy’

  • 09:21 12 May 2018
  • News
BİTLİS - “24 June will be the day we will take a step into democracy,” said the female politicians, who call on the HDP against the AKP-MHP alliance’s politics that ignore the Kurds.
The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) women members, who get ready for the snap elections to be held on June 24 in Turkey, have worked very hard. The HDP Party Council member Nurten Üzümcü stated that the decision for the snap election wasn’t surprise for the Kurdish people. Emphasizing that the country has been governed by the state of emergency for two years, Nurten said, “The monistic regime has been imposed on the Kurdish people. They want to legitimate this with the election.”
Saying that the alliance between the AKP and MHP became apparent following the attempted coup on July 15, Nurten noted that the people have chance to change this system by voting. Stating that the people should support the HDP following a pluralistic policy against the “monist” mindset, Nurten said, “As HDP members and all people, we believe that the people can chance this system. Our all organizations have carried out works for this. We will do our best for the peoples of Turkey to have a peaceful life. They should take part our works and go to the polls.”
‘We will demand democracy and peace on June 24’
Another HDP member Sariye Yılmaz said the upcoming election was unfair and she added, “The economic crisis is deeply felt. The country is in a chaos. A system that does not tolerate women is in practice. 24 June will be the day we will take a step into democracy. We will say we demand democracy and peace on June 24.”