Women say ‘TAMAM’ to Tayyip Erdoğan on social media

  • 17:11 8 May 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - People have tweeted posts under the hashtag #TAMAM (Enough) after the speech of the AKP General Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who said “If my people say ‘Tamam’, we will step aside” during his party group meeting. The women also say ‘TAMAM’ on social media.
AKP General Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, “If my people say ‘Tamam’, we will step aside” during his party group meeting held today. After his speech, hundreds of thousands of Twitter users say enough to Tayyip Erdoğan under the hashtag #TAMAM in Turkey and this hashtag has become the Worldwide Trend Topic on Twitter.
In a short time, 333, 000 people say ‘TAMAM’ on social media. Among those who say “Enough”, the number of women who are the biggest victims of the AKP's 16-year ruling policies is quite high.
Some of the posts on social media are as follows;
*Zeyyyş @zeynpurple: Enough is Enough!!!
*Serapş @sbkblc: Before I forget, let’s me tell you ENOUGH, EHOUGH, ENOUGH. Enough for a country where we can walk freely in the streets, where we are not targeted for our clothes.
*Nüket Tuncayş @nuketkol: TAMAM, stand by your word.
 *DirenÜniversiteş @DirenUniversite : Universities also say TAMAM!
*Pakize Sibel Oğuzş @kibele58 : Then TAMAM
*Sibell @uykszvedengesz : TAMAM
*Sevgin KARAHUNş @SevginKarahun: TAMAM for hundred thousand times.
*turuncu   @77turuncusevda: Nothing left to sell TAMAM!
*DiLann¹?°³ @_dilan1903: Erdoğan: If the people say TAMAM we will step aside. The people: TAMAM