86% disabled Mevlüde Başdaş held in prison

  • 14:04 8 May 2018
  • News

İZMİR - Peace Mother Mevlüde Başdaş, who has been held in Şakran Women’s Closed Prison, hasn’t been released even though she suffers from 86% disability.

Health condition of 86% disabled Peace Mother Mevlüde Başdaş, who has been held in Şakran Women’s Closed Prison, is getting worse day by day. Her son Metin Başdaş went to see his mother in the prison and he said that his mother hardly walks. Saying that other prisoners helped his mother to walk, Metin demanded his mother to be released. Metin said, “My mother has 86 percent disability reports from Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital in Diyarbakır and Akdeniz University Training and Research Hospital in Antalya. This is a humanitarian situation. I don’t tell this because she is my mother. I applied to many institutions like Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in Izmir and the prison. After the applications, she was taken to the Forensic Medicine Institute; however the institute prepared its report in eight months, on March 20. The institute’s report says ‘she can stay in prison’. My mother’s health condition is obvious; we don’t understand why they didn’t say she couldn’t stay in the prison. She has many disability reports but they say she can stay in prison. Do they want to give us my mother’s dead body?”