German women’s delegation visits displaced people of Afrin

  • 13:36 8 May 2018
  • News
SHEHBA - German women’s delegation went to Shehba Canton yesterday and visited Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent), Shehba Hospital and camps built for the displaced people of Afrin. After their visits, the delegation has issued a press statement and calls all women to rise up for Afrin.
German women’s delegation went to Shehba Canton yesterday in order to support the campaign launched by the Kongreya Star for the people of Afrin. The delegation members visited Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent), Shehba Hospital and camps built for the displaced people of Afrin. After their visits, the delegation has issued a press statement. In their statement, the delegation members call all women to rise up for Afrin and demand the international observers and press need to get free access into Afrin.
The press statement issued by the German women’s delegation is as follows;
“We came to research and report the situation of the refugees from Afrin. Here we listen to many painful and tragic stories of personal loss and violence. We hardly condemn the violation of human rights by the Turkish and its jihadist allies. Specially today on 8 of March the day of the liberation from the German fascism we condemn the cooperation of NATO states like Germany with the Turkish state. We support the demand of the people of Afrin to return safely to their homes in Afrin and as health care workers we observe an urgent need of sustainable health care and infrastructures especially for women and children in Shehba.
We the women delegation from the feminist background and working in field of medical health care have been visiting two days 3 different camps of Shehba; spoke to logistic organizations and a lot of health workers, members of Heyva sor a kurd and their logistic responsible.
 We demand the recognition of the displaced people from Afrin as refugees by the international institions as UNHRC. And there is an urgent imperative to stop any weapon supply to the Turkish state. International observers and press need to get free access into Afrin. We call all women to rise up for Afrin.”