EHP and SMF decide to support HDP in elections

  • 11:34 5 May 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The Laborer Movement Party (EHP) and the Socialist Councils Federation (SMF) have decided to support the HDP in presidential and parliamentary elections to be held on June 24.
Party of Labor (EMEP) was announced that they will support the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in presidential and parliamentary elections to be held on June 24. After this announcement, the Laborer Movement Party (EHP) and the Socialist Councils Federation (SMF) have decided to support the HDP in the elections. The statement made by the Socialist Councils Federation says, “We will support the candidate of the HDP, which is qualitatively different from the parties of bourgeois order, in the presidential election in order to turn Erdoğan's one-man domination dreams into a nightmare and stand by the Kurdish nation due to the brutal national oppression on them and the blow on their democratic will.”
‘The ruling power should be ready to lose’
The statement made by the EHP says, “We will work for Selahattin Demirtaş in the presidential election. We will carry out this election period with full effort like we did for election period on June 7 along with those who don’t give up the struggle for democracy and fraternity. Like the presidential election, the General Elections are also very important in terms of taking the parliamentary majority from the AKP. We will work for candidates of the HDP in the parliamentary elections.”