Model of living in Afrin continues in Shehba

  • 10:57 1 May 2018
  • News
Sozda Oremar
SHEHBA – The democratic, communal, women libertarian model of living targeted in Afrin by invasion and attacks have been practiced in Shehba.
The system based on democratic, communal, women libertarian model of living actualized in Northern Syria led by women maintains in Shehba. Stating that Turkish army and its backed group have attacked this new model of living actualized in Afrin, the women carry out this system in Shehba, where they were forced to migrate. Expressing how they built their lives in Afrin, the women said, “We know how to organize, we live on the basis of the philosophy of our leader Abdullah Öcalan wherever we go.”
‘Communes are the basis of the society’
Tıl Rıfat Commune member Ayşe Ahmed stated that they carry out their works with the awareness that the communes are the basis of the society, “We never bow to the enemy, we carry out our struggle. Resisting is life for us wherever we are. We had difficulties when we came to Shehba but we know that we can overcome all kinds of difficulties on the basis of our struggle. Of course we have difficulties particularly to have medicines and basic needs. But the people continue their struggle despite all difficulties. We can endure all difficulties until we return to Afrin.”
‘We will not leave our lands to looters’
Stating that her heart is still in Afrin, Esmihan Muhammed continued to speak as follows; “Such a resistance has been rarely seen in history. Being far away from Afrin is very difficult for us. Living far away from its beauty, our homes and our lands is very hard. For this reason, we try to carry out the same model of living here. Everyone should know very well that we will not leave our lands to looters and thieves.”
‘Opportunities are limited but our will is strong’
Cihan Mustefa also stated that they resisted in Raco district despite all attacks. “We saw the reality of the enemy more clearly when we went to Afrin city center. Tens of massacres were carried out there. Our children were killed in front of us. We will never forget these,” said Cihan
Stating that they work for the people in Shehba now, Şirin Eli said, “Opportunities are limited here but our will is strong.”