Simultaneous actions to be held for Hasankeyf and Sur in 20 countries

  • 09:11 25 April 2018
  • News
Şehriban Aslan
DİYARBAKIR - The Platform Against the Destruction of Sur will hold simultaneous actions against the destruction of Sur and Hasankeyf in 20 countries, particularly in Kurdistan. The platform spokesperson Büşra Cizrelioğulları called on everyone to join them.
As the destruction, looting and destruction of the memory policies are going on in Kurdistan, Hasankeyf, a world heritage with its history and nature, was blown up with dynamites. The demolition in Diyarbakır’s Sur district, where longest curfew in the world has been imposed, is going on. The Platform Against the Destruction of Sur will hold actions in 20 different countries, based in Batman and Diyarbakır against the destructions.
‘Neighborhoods were looted’
The platform started a struggle against the “urban transformation” in Alipaşa and Lalebey neighborhoods of Diyarbakır’s Sur district and has extended the scope of the struggle. The platform spokesperson Büşra Cizrelioğulları said, “Six neighborhoods of Sur were already wiped off the map during the curfew. Immediately after, two more neighborhoods were added to this demolition. Demolition was carried out in the neighborhoods first under the pretext of the clashes period and then the urban transformation. Almost all parts of Alipaşa Neighborhood have been demolished and five percent of Lalebey Neighborhood was wiped off the map. Now new projects have been carried out in these areas. In other words, after the demolition is completed, another form of looting and rent, seizure of the properties of citizens, will come into question.”
Stating that the problems of the citizens of Sur weren’t solved and the struggle had to change during that period, Büşra said, “There was an active demolition in the neighborhood for a while, we had to be in the neighborhoods for a while. We resisted the demolition with the citizens by standing shoulder to shoulder. Then, the citizens were forced to leave their houses following the change of the process but they couldn’t go far away. They moved to other neighborhoods of Sur because they don’t want to leave Sur. In this sense, we continue to communicate with family members. On the one hand we carried out diplomatic works and on the other hand we carried out legal struggle. We still continue to actively carry out these works.”
‘Our demand is quite legitimate’
“Our demand is quite legitimate,” Büşra said, “The issue in point is the destruction of a city and history. Very serious human rights violations took place; we witnessed this process along with journalists. We will continue this struggle until we win.”
Emphasizing that Hasankeyf hasn’t been added to UNESCO cultural heritage list despite its thousands of years of history, Büşra said, “Being added to the list is not a criteria for us, it is already the heritage of the world. It becomes the target of the demolition policies of the government in the 21st century. Hasankeyf was blown up with dynamites; tombs were relocated in so-called the age of enlightenment. The region will be completely underwater by Ilisu project.”
‘Action will be held in many countries’
Talking of their plans for April 28, Global Sur and Hasankeyf Action Day, Büşra said they were planning to hold actions in 20 countries, including Europe, America, Turkey and Kurdistan. Büşra continued her talk as follows; “We are organizing our actions and events in Amed, Van, Mersin, Dersim, Hakkari and Batman. These events will begin with a statement to the press and public including the opinions of the people of Sur, Hasankeyf. On April 28, we will issue a press statement at 12:00 in front of the Grand Mosque (Ulucami) in Sur and we will spend all our day in neighborhoods. Poetry-music audition and documentary shows will be held about Sur in the evening. We call on all artists, intellectuals, authors, ecology and environmental movements, women's organizations, NGOs, Platform; Stand up for this day.”