No news from 15 people including 6 Êzidîs in Afrin

  • 17:43 22 April 2018
  • News
EFRÎN - 15 people, including six Êzidîs have been held captive by Turkish army and its backed groups in Afrin. No news has been received from 15 young people.
Turkish army and its backed groups have reportedly abducted six Êzidî people from Qibar villages and nine people from Şexorze, Qoşo, Xelilak and Qeregul villages of Afrin’s Bilbile district. The reports say most of the abducted people are young. The reports also say the women living in the village have taken shelter in the surrounding villages due to the attacks.
Afrin city center was evacuated on March 18 due to the attacks launched on January 20 on Afrin by Turkey and its backed groups. Hundreds of people, including children were killed in the airstrikes by Turkey. Avrin Hospital was also hit by airstrikes. The Free Syrian Army (FSA) gangs’ members looted the civilians’ houses and workplaces. Hundreds of thousands were forcibly displaced due to invasion and massacres. These attacks are commented as “ethnic cleansing”.