Alîna Sanches and Anna Campbell commemorated in Rimelan

  • 13:25 22 April 2018
  • News
RÎMELAN - A commemoration event was held in Rimela for Latin American Alîna Sanches and British Anna Campbell.
A commemoration event was held in Rimela for British internationalist fighter Anna Campbell (nom de guerre Helîn Qaraçox), who was killed in Afrin in Turkish airstrike and Latin American internationalist Alina Sanches (nom de guerre Lêgerîn Çiya, who lost her life in a traffic accident while going to Heseke from Cizrê region on March 17,2018. Patricia Sanches, mother of Alina Sanches, her comrades and many people participated in the commemoration event organized by the Kongraya Star and Rojava Health Committee at the Aram Tigran Culture and Arts Hall.
‘There is no border for us’
After a minute silence, speaking on behalf of Kongraya Star,  Medya Muhammed stated that they will stand up for the memories of Alîn and Anna. Medya continued to speak as follows; “We give them our word to keep their struggle and raise their flags. Those who struggle for the freedom of humanity from many parts of the world are here. In this sense, the borders between us have been removed. Those who seek for truth and defend the values of freedom of humanity come together on these lands today. They hear each other’s voice everywhere in the world. Comrade Legerin was a lover of the paradigm of Leader Apo and free women. For this reason, she came here and met us.”
Şîlan Dağ spoke on behalf of her comrades during the event and she said, “Their reason for joining YPJ was the ideal of creating a new world. Helin had objectives and she came from England to Rojava for these objectives. There are hundreds of internationalists participating in the struggle here and Helîn and Legerin were one of them. We will continue to follow them.”