Woman sets herself on fire in Southern Kurdistan

  • 11:39 21 April 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - 24-year-old university student woman reportedly killed herself by setting herself on fire in Kelar district of Southern Kurdistan’s Germiyan region.
24-year-old university student woman named E.H.M. reportedly killed herself by setting herself on fire in Kelar district of Southern Kurdistan’s Germiyan region. Center for Combating Violence Against Women member Lemia Mihemed spoke to Rojnews concerning to the incident and she said, “The young woman set herself on fire at her house and killed herself. The woman named E.H.M. was born in 1994 and she was an university student. She was a final year undergraduate student.”
Lemia Mihemed also said they hadn’t got any information about why the woman set herself on fire.