Urgent call for displaced people of Afrin in Shehba: Tuberculosis outbreak begins

  • 11:35 17 April 2018
  • News

SHEHBA  - Tuberculosis outbreak has begun to appear among the hundreds of thousands of people of Afrin, who were forced to migrate to Shehba Canton. The authorities of the canton call for emergency response and suppor

As the attack launched by Turkey and its backed groups on Afrin on January 20 has entered its third month, the international humanitarian aid organizations continue to stay silent. Mezopotamya News Agency (MA) reports that tuberculosis outbreak has begun to appear in the Berxwedan Camp built in Fafin district of Shehba Canton with the support of the authorities of the canton and has no aids and that the health conditions make life difficult in the camp.

Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent) Afrin Canton Co-chair Rîm Qirmo and Doctor Ebd El Qadêr Hisko, who carries out works in the camp, stated that the tuberculosis outbreak has begun to spread to the villages of Shehba, “Five people in the camp and about 20 people in the villages are with active tuberculosis. The situation will get worse if their health care needs haven’t been met. At least 20 people live in a tent. And many of people have to stay outside. They don’t have clean and enough food. We call for emergency response and support.

“We have determined 20 people with active tuberculosis. We have 120 patients in Afrin. Their medicines were supplied and the disease was under control. But we lost our equipment and medicines were annihilated after the attacks on Afrin, particularly on Avrîn Hospital. We cannot control the disease anymore. We need a general hospital. Heyva Sor and Avrîn Hospital have built eight health points in Shehba Canton but they are inadequate to cope with the serious disease like tuberculosis.”