Hamide Yiğit: It will be time to push for Geneva against Sochi

  • 10:16 17 April 2018
  • News
Habibe Eren
ANKARA - Stating that the airstrike on Syria will not change much Hamide Yiğit, an expert in Middle Eastern affairs, said “But we can say that it will be time to push for Geneva against Sochi in the negotiation process. The future of Syria will be determined by the Syrian people, this has gradually become clear.”
An expert in Middle Eastern affairs and writer Hamide Yiğit commented on the strikes launched by US, UK and France against some targets in Syrian Damascus, Hama, Humus, Dera and Suveyda cities.
‘UK and France have announced that they take place in permanent list’
Indicating that the strike was the violation of international law and that it was an imperialist intervention, Hamide said, “It was the violation of international law and it was a war crime. As a result, we should look at the purpose of the strike. The purpose is the announcement of the UK and France that they take place in permanent list in the war of Syria and in the project of Middle East. They give the message, ‘We still have the initiative. I am a part of this balance,’ by launching the strike.”
‘It will be time to push for Geneva against Sochi’
Pointing out that a period in favor of Syria has been going on since 2015 and Syria has had a turning point since it was subjected to the attacks, Hamide continued to speak as follows; “In a period developing in favor of Syria, this intervention doesn’t change much. But we can say that it will be time to push for Geneva against Sochi in the negotiation process. The future of Syria will be determined by the Syrian people, this has gradually become clear. Kurdish, Arab and Syriac people all will take part in this process. External actors will take part in this process only as they led. In the coming days, we will see who will take part and who will be more effective in the process.”