Second hearing of 50 people in Nusaybin starts

  • 14:19 16 April 2018
  • News
MARDİN –Second hearing of 50 people, who were arrested during curfew declared in Nusaybin district of Mardin two years ago, has started. Most of the jailed people were brought to Mardin from prisons they have been held.
During the curfew imposed in the Nusaybin district of Mardin province, 67 people, including 17 children, were evacuated from district on May 26, 2016 and they were arrested. The second hearing of the 50 people has started at Mardin 4th Heavy Penal Court today. The jailed people first appeared before judge in January after two years in prison and the first hearing lasted for eight days. The jailed 50 people have faced “76 aggravated life imprisonments”.
The jailed people were brought to Mardin province from the prisons in Tokat, Elazığ, Mardin, Osmaniye and Siverek.