Reaction from ESP, SKM, SGDF to detentions

  • 15:36 14 April 2018
  • News
IZMIR- Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), the Socialist Women's Assembly (SKM) and Federation of Socialist Youth Associations (SGDF) reacted to detention of 22 people, including journalists, while carrying out work for celebration of May Day in Istanbul.
Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), the Socialist Women's Assembly (SKM) and Federation of Socialist Youth Associations (SGDF) protested the detention of 22 people, including two journalists, while carrying out work for celebration of May Day at Kalkedon Square of Istanbul’s Kadıköy district. The three organizations made a statement at Izmir branch of the Human Rights Association (İHD) and unfurled a banner reading, “Detained people should be released”. SGDF member Alev Özkiraz said the AKP had persecuted the oppressed people since June 7.
‘This country doesn’t collapse thanks to workers and laborers'
Sating that the ruling power insists on persecuting women, youths, workers and nature with its policies, Alev noted that they witness the fascist practices of the ruling power once again. Alev said, “How can calling for participation in May Day celebration be considered as a crime in a country, where May 1 is national holiday? This country doesn’t collapse thanks to its workers and laborers. For this reason, defending the rights of workers and laborers cannot be considered as a crime. The real criminals are not our detained friends; the criminals are those who try to prevent the human struggle. But sooner or later they will understand they cannot stop socialists with detentions, arrests or the state of emergency.”