Press Lawyers Network affiliated with MLSA to be formed

  • 12:36 14 April 2018
  • News
ISTANBUL - Press Lawyers Network is planning to be set up, affiliated with the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) founded by a group consists of lawyers and journalists working on issues such as access to justice, freedom of the press, freedom of expression and the right to know for years.
Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) held a meeting at Cezayir Restaurant with the support of the Friedrich Nauman Foundation in order to share experiences of lawyers working in the important cases of freedom of expression and of the press in Turkey and to talk about issues such as information of the cases, reporting and determining common working areas. Many lawyers and representatives from many organizations such as Human Rights Association (İHD), Citizenship Association, Istanbul Bar Association, Birgün Newspaper, Publishers Association, Amnesty International, The Committee to Protect Journalists, many journalists and academics attended the meeting.
MLSA Chair Evin Barış Altıntaş made the opening speech of the meeting and she said, “We are holding this meeting as Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) founded by a group consists of lawyers and journalists working on issues such as access to justice, freedom of the press, freedom of expression and the right to know for years. Our main goal is to bring lawyers and journalists together. Unfortunately, this becomes importance day by day due to the situation in Turkey in recent years.”
‘Raising solidarity is very important’
Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Branch Chair lawyer Gülseren Yoleri said raising solidarity was very important.