Foot of child hit by armored vehicle cut off

  • 12:07 8 April 2018
  • News
ŞIRNAK - A foot of four-year-old Suavi Kılıç, who was hit by an armored vehicle while crossing the street on the Hastane Avenue of Şırnak’s Silopi district with his mother yesterday, has been cut off.
Yesterday, an armored vehicle hit a woman named Nesrin Kılıç and her three or four-year-old son Suavi Kılıç while crossing the street on the Hastane Avenue of Şırnak’s Silopi district. Seriously injured Nesrin and Suavi were taken to hospital.
According to received reports, a foot of Suavi has been cut off in hospital and Nesrin is getting better. The eyewitnesses say the armored vehicle was very fast and the accident occurred over speeding.