Campaign of solidarity with people of Afrin continues

  • 17:54 4 April 2018
  • News
SHEHBA - Aid trucks sent from the Southern Kurdistan and Cizîre Region through Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent) for solidarity with the people of Afrin have reached to Shehba.
18 aid trucks sent from the Southern Kurdistan and Cizîre Region through Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent) for solidarity with the people of Afrin, who were forcibly displaced from Afrin due to the attacks of Turkey and its backed groups on the city, have reacted to Shehba. The sent aids will be distributed to the people of Afrin.
The campaign of solidarity with the people of Afrin launched by Heyva Sor a Kurd in Northern Syria, Kurdistan and Europe is going on.