Women of Afrin: Don’t be happy in vain, we are the achievers

  • 14:20 24 March 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER- “The living conditions here are quite difficult. There are water, bread and blanket problems. Pregnant women, children and elders are having difficulties. But we will resist under all conditions to return our lands. Don’t be happy in vain, we are the achievers,” said the women, who were forcibly displaced from Afrin to Shehba after the attacks on the city.
Hundreds of people, including women and children were killed in the attacks of Turkey and its backed groups on Afrin and hundreds were wounded. Thousands of people were forcibly displaced from Afrin. The women, who were forcibly displaced from Afrin to Shehba district, reacted to the attacks and they said, “We can live without water and food but we cannot live without honor. They (Turkey and FSA) should think we left Afrin while the blood of our children is on streets and avenues of Afrin. We got out from Afrin to prevent more massacres. But we didn’t leave Afrin and we won’t.”
‘The world doesn’t care about us’
Heyat Muhammed Mistefa is one of these women. She said, “We were subjected to barbaric attacks for two months in front of the world's eye. So many people were killed. The world shouldn’t have remained silent particularly against the killing of children. The world doesn’t care about the Kurds.”
‘We will resist under all conditions’
Heyat continued to speak as follows; “We did our best to protect our lands and our honor. But they attacked us with their warplanes, tanks and artillery. They attacked the Afrin city center and its villages to kill the people.”
‘We are the achievers’
“They destroyed Afrin, killed our children and stole our belongings,” said Nesrin Hemo when she began to speak and she continued to speak as follows; “Don’t be happy in vain, we are the achievers not the savages like you.”
‘Those who defending Afrin are the children of Afrin’
Hevin Qara said, “They collected all the terrorists of the world and attacked our lands. Those who kill, loot and steal are the terrorists. Those who are defending Afrin are the children of Afrin. They are the ones who sacrifice their lives for humanity.”