Newroz to be celebrated in 9 cities of Cizirê region

  • 14:39 20 March 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Newroz events will be held in nine cities of Cizirê Region.
This year, the Newroz events will be organized in Northern Syrian and Rojava with the motto, “Let’s strengthen resistance with the spirit of Newroz; let’s gain the victory in Afrin”. Newroz events will be held in nine cities of Cizirê Region. The theme of the Newroz events is the support for the resistance of Afrin against the invasion and the speeches will be in Kurdish, Arabic and Syriac languages in the behalf of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria officials and peoples. This year’s Newroz events will not be like celebration.
Newroz events will be held in the following cities; Tırbesipiye, Qamishlo, Qirkelege, Amude, Tirbesiye, Serekaniye, Tiltemir and Heseke. The Newroz program in Derik and Amude will start at 10:00 and end at 11:00. The events in other cities will start at 11:00 and end at 13:00.