Struggle of 4 children whose parents jailed

  • 09:50 13 March 2018
  • News
MARDİN - Four children whose parents have been imprisoned are struggling for life in Nusaybin.
The occupancy rate of the prisons has reached one hundred percent in the last period along with the state of emergency. The AKP government that builds new prison in every city has built a new prison in Diyarbakır province. In Mardin province, the number of imprisonment of people is increasing day by day. Kamuran and Güneş Susan, who have four children, have been imprisoned due to their old cases in this period. Kamuran has been sentenced to nine years in prison while Güneş has been sentenced to four years. Their youngest child is three years old and their oldest child is just 16 years old and they are struggling for life without their parents.
Parents are in prison, 4 children are alone outside
The father Kamuran has been in prison for three years over the allegation of “being member of a (terrorist) organization” and he has been held in Kayseri Closed Prison. The children are going to see their father every two months. The mother Güneş was jailed in 2015 while she was eight months pregnant. She was released after one month in prison. Her child is now three years old. Güneş has been sentenced to four years in prison over allegation of “propagandizing for a (terrorist) organization” from her old case and she has been jailed again. Güneş took her three-year-old son Berat with her when she was sent to Mardin E-type Closed Prison. Güneş, who was jailed two months ago, had to send her son to home due to conditions in prison after one month.
‘We want our parents to be with us’
Four children, whose parents are in prison, are staying in Nusaybin district of Mardin now. The oldest child Akif (16) said, “Our youngest brother Berat came to home from the prison one month ago. He wants our mother before sleeping. We want out mother to be with us. I am the oldest child our uncle stays with us but he is physically handicapped. I work to look after my siblings. We want our mother. My three-year-old brother has to grow up without my mother for four years. We demand our mother to be released from the prison. She is in Mardin now and we can visit her every month. But she has a risk to be exiled, if she is exiled, we will have nothing to do.”
Akif called on Human Rights Association (İHD) and all NGOs for his parents and he said, “Someone should take action to bring our parents to stay with us. We don’t want to grow up alone. We want our parents to be with us.”