‘We will not give Afrin to Erdoğan’ says Fikriye a human shield for Afrin

  • 13:29 12 March 2018
  • News
Ruhenda Amed
AFRÎN - “The ceasefire doesn’t work when the Kurds are in question. But we will not give Afrin to Erdoğan even if we are subjected to airstrikes for months or years,” said Fikriye Reşid, who came from Qamishlo to Afrin to be a human shield.
The resistance of the people of Afrin against the attacks of Turkey and its allied groups on Afrin has entered in its 53rd day. The people coming from Northern Syrian cities as human shield are intent on not leaving the city, where has been encircled and under the danger of massacre. The members of the human shield continue their action under the attacks of artillery and warplanes. The human shield action is going on with the participation of people from all ages.
58-year-old Fikriye Reşid is one of these people and she came from Qamishlo to Afrin despite all obstacles. Saying that they weren’t allowed to enter the city, Fikriye emphasized that they took a firm stand despite that.
‘We will not leave Afrin’
Stating that their action is going on in Eşrefîye Neighborhood, Fikriye noted that the warplanes had bombed the surroundings of the city throughout the night. “Erdoğan cannot take us from our path by using his artillery and warplanes. We didn’t come here for five or six days. We will not give Afrin to Erdoğan even if we are subjected to airstrikes for months or years. We will not leave Afrin even if we have to sleep in this cold weather,” said Fikriye.
‘The conspiracy targets the Kurdish people this time’
Pointing out the silence of the international public opinion against the ongoing massacre in Afrin, Fikriye said, “International countries want to carry out the conspiracy that they had carried out against the Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan against the Kurdish people now. They think they will take the control of the Kurdish people by carrying out this conspiracy against them. We didn’t surrender although 20 years passed. We stood up for our leader. What is going on in Afrin now is the scenario of the same mindset.
“The ceasefire was announced but it doesn’t work when the Kurds are in question. Isn’t Afrin a part of Syria? Everyone watch the massacre carried out by Erdoğan in silence. The resistance in Rojava and the martyrs are just for the Kurdish people. We are fighting for the freedom of all peoples. Raqqa and Tebka are evidences for this. The international forces say there isn’t Daesh here, those who carry out the massacre here is Daesh. Erdoğan opened the door for them, fed them and now he is sending them to here to carry massacre. They are looting the houses of the Kurdish people by saying ‘Allahu Akbar’.”
‘We will resist with our children to the end’
Fikriye also said, “We will resist with our children for these lands to the end. Today, all of us are Afrin. And Afrin is the Kurds and humanity. We will defend our cause to the end. “