Call from Federation on Syrian people

  • 09:46 11 March 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The Executive Council of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria calls on people of North Syria and all Syrian peoples to “stand against all attacks all together.”
The Executive Council of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria has released a statement on Afrin, where Turkish attacks have entered the 51st day. The statement points out the silence of the international organizations against the massacres and calls on the people living in Europe to force the international organizations and institutions to stop the attacks.
The statement released by the Executive Council of the federation is as follows;
“The attack of the Turkish state on the Afrin region has left behind its 50th day. The resistance of the people of Afrin is growing day by day. The only element guaranteeing victory is the solidarity of the people of Northern Syria. The invading Turkish army has used all kinds of weapons and warplanes against the people of Afrin, has carried out massacres against the people and has violated all international laws. The invading army directly targets the civilians and forces them to displacement. The internationals organizations and institutions still keep their silence against what is going on. We call on the people of Northern Syrian and all Syrian people to stand against the attacks of the invading Turkish state. We will keep our resistance until get victory. Also, we call on the people living in Europe to force the international organizations and institutions to stop the attacks of Turkish state and to provide the safety of life of hundreds of the people of Afrin.”