Ahtamara Women's Platform to be women address of solidarity

  • 18:29 9 March 2018
  • News
VAN - Ahtamara Women's Platform declared its foundation, the memmbers indicating women are not taken into the consideration in the places where they go and said "Hereupon there will be a platform to support and evaluate the problems of women no matter what the problems they are and they can reach instantly."
Women's Institutes were closed down by KHKs(decree-law) and the trustees attained to the municipalities,but women continued to work in all conditons.  Ahtamara Women's Platform established to say "stop" to all kinds of vilonce against women and child abuses.  A part of Platform KESK(Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions) Van term spokewoman Seher Kadiroğlu Ataş noted that we will activated women's platform in every city of Turkey.
'Killings hidden under the 'suicide' name' 
Seher indicated that they met 35 organization and 45 independent women for Ahtamara, why they need a women's platform expressed with these words: "Lots of femicide are committed under the name of suicide in Van and Turkey  then the events close down by making it look like suicide. Child abuses and early marriages have been legitimated by the hand of state, and they try to hide early marriages. We  touches these wounds in Van, we come together to show direct reflex to abuse, rape, violence against women and children sexual assault no matter where ever they are in Turkey. Women have been limited with their duties at home,deported from social and work life with some recent imlpementations in Van."
'A platform above politics and institutes' 
Seher reminded a few NGOs gave green lights to 'pink bus' implementation for women, and this is connected to their starting point and they will touch more women with the platform. Sher sadid " We will also be against these. There are lots of missing women and can not touch them.Maybe women are applied to different organizations, political parties, associations, foundations and syndicates for their sufferings. But we don't believe these institutes are dealing with the problems sufficiently. Hereupon there will be a platform to support and evaluate the problems of women no matter what the problems they are, it is established  and named by the will of women and the women will make decisons on every steps in the platform. Women can express themselves." 
Platform's health field will be established by the Chamber of Doctors, juridical field will be established by the women commission of Bar, and  "Syndicates will help on the labour field. Our first action was March 8, we saw women colours in everywhere. We will do all our woks without shadow of any institutes and political party because this is a platfom above politics and institutes" said Seher.
'We will push judiciary educate society' 
DİSK(Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey) Van Branches Co-President Emine Bozkurt remarked that lots of women came together and established Ahtamara Women's Platform and they are very excited. Emine told "A woman killed recently in Van. A male perpetrator was acquitted by the reason of 'nonsane'. A child aged 3 was subjected to abuse. The aim of the Platform is to say 'stop' to this situation. We will push judiciary to take decisions in favor of women and we will provide reaction of society against these. We  will educate society with workshops. We will evaluated all the application reach us and we wil be on the side of women.