Greeting to Afrin resistance from Women of Mardin

  • 16:46 8 March 2018
  • News
MARDİN - On the occasion of March 8 International Women's Day  rally in Mardin greetings are sent to Afrin and siad " Their resistance festival will be remained as heritage to us. We women will be the pioneer of this heritage and the flag.
Feast is hold on due to March 8 International Women's Day led by Mardin Şahmaran Women Platform in Kızıltepe. Tens of women joined the feast which is hold in district bus station. HDP Urfa deputy Dilek Öcalan, DBP Party Assembly member Zübeyde Zümrüt, DTK(Democratic Society Congress) Concil Board member Saliha Aydeniz and women of Mardin participated in feast under the intense police blockade. Kızıltepe Municipality which made difficulties in everthig, did not give electricity to women for music system. Women had to pull electricity from different place for the system.
Despite obstacles women go out to the squares 
The banners were hanged in the square where the feast was held "Freedom or Freedom", "Women won't be silent", "Streets are our freedom areas". Besides women carried placards as "Women want peace", "Women, Life, Freedom" and "We were, we are, we will be exist". The feast started with a minute of silence on the name of women who lost their lifes in different time of history, and continued in company with the ululations of women, dance and slogans "Women, Life, Freedom".
Feast continued with the speech of Dilek Öcalan: Dilek noted despite all obstacles now women are in the squares, nothing can be obstacle in front of the women resistance.
'Women resist against oppression'
Emphasizing women's resistannce will go on determinedly, Dilek continued: " Gülser Yıldırım is unfairly detained now. Maybe she is not here but we know that  her heart is here. From Kızıltepe to prison we said to her women's resistance struggle will continue. We promised that women will struggle in the squares until they have their freedom. Today fascism said women shouldn't be in the squares, keep their mouths shut. They want to have right on the will of the women. These are not acceptable for us. We defend a free life. Those who resist now not with us but we commemorate and bow respectfully to all martries of Kurdistan. This flag is in our hands and it will never fall. The flag of freedom and unity isunder the leadership in the hand of women.  Today all women choose the way of resistance against oppression in Rojava,  İran.
 Referring the oppression against Kurds Dilek spoke "The commited pressures on Kurds had never been done to any people in the history. They grew these pressures and today they attack the graveyard in Kızıltepe. There is not any example of this in any religion and humanity. What they want from the deaths, even they can not baret o them."
'Resistance will continue to the end' 
Saying that we will struggle against oppression to the end Dilek said, " We are going on struggle against oppression from yesterday until today.  We will grow this struggle to the end. Today March 8 rallies are being held in all over Kurdistan. From everweher we send our greetings to Afrin. Women, Life, Freedom".
Then Member of Mardin Şahmaran Women Platform adalet Kaya read the letter sent by DTK's Co-chair Leyla Güven from Diyarbakır E type prison. 
The feast was celebrated with the slogans, ululations and accompanied with Kurbano music band lyrics.