Kocaeli Women’s Platform: March 8 cannot be banned!

  • 13:08 8 March 2018
  • News
KOCAELİ - Kocaeli Women’s Platform react to the Governorate’s ban on celebrating March 8 ban, they marched saying “March 8 cannot be banned.”
Kocaeli Women’s Platform took to the streets said “March 8 cannot be banned” after the Kocaeli Governorate banned the March 8 International Women's Day rally to be held today. The women carrying a banner reading “We don't leave the nights, the streets and the squares. March 8 cannot be banned” marched in the Kahya Kaplan Neighborhood and shouted slogans. The women said, “Everyday tens of women are killed, harassed and raped in this city, and the governorate have tried to ban March 8 and November 25 of the women for two years. As long as women are in this city, we won't recognize the ban of governorate and we won't obey it.”
After the march, police detained six women. People around reacted to the detention of the women. the detained women were then released last night.