From Filiz Kerestecioğlu to AKP: Not man, we to be women

  • 12:09 8 March 2018
  • News
ANKARA - HDP (People's Democratic Party) İstanbul deputy Filiz Kerestecioğlu, replied to AKP(Justice and Development Part) deputy Mehmet Uğur Dilipak, who was in the gendered discourse to her in General Assembly of the Parliament: "No, we won't be a man, we will be a woman, you will get used to this."
While budget discussions were going on at the General Assembly of TGNA(Turkish Grand National Assembly), after evaluating the attacks on Afrin as " Ethnic Cleansing"People's Democratic Party(HDP) Antep deputy Mahmut Toğrul,  debate started between AKP and HDP deputies.
HDP deputies Müslüm Doğan and Mahmut Toğrul were injured in the debate.
Upon HDP Group Deputy Chairmans Meral Danış Beştaş and Filiz Kerestecioğlu reacted to the event AKP deputy Mehmet Uğur Dilipak started gendered discourses. Against the gendered discourse of AKP deputy, Filiz replied "No, we won't be a man, we will be a woman, you will get used to this."