A thousand women welcomed in Kobanê

  • 11:14 6 March 2018
  • News
KOBANÊ - A thousand women, who headed for Afrin in order to support the resistance and be human shield against the attacks of Turkey and Turkey-backed groups, have arrived in Kobanê.
A thousand women, who gathered in Qamishlo Canton led by Kongra Star and headed for Afrin in order to support the resistance and be human shield against the attacks of Turkey and Turkey-backed groups, have arrived in Kobanê. The women, including the delegations from Palestine, Lebanon, Maxmur and Southern Kurdistan, have been welcomed at Free Women's Square by hundreds of women. Kongreya Star Administrator Welîda Bûtî spoke on the behalf of the women constantly shouting the slogan “Long live the resistances of Afrin” and she said, “Turkey’s attacks will not break our will. We will celebrate March 8 in Afrin despite all attacks.”