Women of Afrin call on international community to break their silence against attacks on Afrin

  • 22:03 5 March 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER- Women’s organizations in Afrin have released a written statement on the attacks of Turkey and Turkey-backed groups on Afrin and they have appealed to all human rights organizations, institutions, and the United Nations to break their silence and move and protect the women history and their heritage in Afrin and stop the bloodshed and the loss of innocent lives.        
All women’s organizations in Afrin have released a written statement on the attacks of Turkey and its backed groups on Afrin. The statement underlined that Turkish planes shell Afrin city center in order to intimidate and displace the citizens. The statement has appealed to all human rights organizations, institutions and the United Nations to break their silence, to protect the women’s history and their heritage in Afrin and to stop the bloodshed and the loss of innocent people.        
The statement released by women’s organizations in Afrin is as follows;
“Call on international community
The lands are being violated, children are being killed, and women are assaulted, and the world is still silent about the ongoing massacres
Afrin province is still being attacked by the Turkish army and its supporters from Al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda. The Turkish planes and bombardments began to shell the villages, towns, and their surroundings. Not only that, they also began to shell the city center in order to intimidate and displace the citizens and carried out massacres against children , women , the elderly and defenseless civilians , including immigrants who fled from their villages to the city to escape from the brutality of the Turkish army .
The aim of the Turkish aggression is to displace the local people of Afrin province through implementing the scorched-earth policy. This is what Erdogan said when he announced he would continue to shell Afrin until he creates a safe area, according to his claim, for three million Syrian refugees who have been in Turkey since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, and this is the biggest evidence that he is fighting to change the demographic of the region as he did in Jarabulus and Al-Bab regions.
Erdogan is trying to occupy Afrin in various ways such as by attacking the infrastructure of the Kurdish people and their economic movement and by spreading terror in the people hearts by shelling their houses and buildings. As a result, the children are the first victim of this war that causes them having psychological and neurological problems that they can't easily overcome. It isn't easy for children to see their parents being killed in front of their eyes. In addition, they prevent children and young people from having their right to education by targeting many schools.  All of these are a humanitarian disaster.   
The Turkish state has violated all international and humanitarian laws and conventions by attacking Afrin. The chlorine gas was used on the border villages and this was confirmed by the doctors’ reports saying the symptoms that appeared on patients such as: suffocation, redness of the skin and other symptoms. They also mutilated the bodies by using the most inhumane methods.
Even the stones didn't get rid of their evil, so they targeted the historical and archaeological sites in Afrin in order to erase the history of civilizations living on that land and also erase the traces of the humanity from existence.
We are surprised by the silence of the international silence, the silence of organizations of human rights, children and women against these massacres and inhumane violations in Afrin.
We are Afrin’s women determined to defend on our history, our heritage and the land that we inherited from our ancestors. So we promise we will resist and fight to the end to eliminate injustice and tyranny and stop the Turkish invasion.
As women's organizations in Afrin region, we call on all human rights organizations, institutions, and the United Nations to break their silence, to protect the women’s history and their heritage in Afrin and to stop the bloodshed and the loss of innocent people.        
The women’s organizations in Afrin.”