2 women killed, 22 people wounded in Afrin in 24 hours

  • 13:37 5 March 2018
  • News
AFRÎN - Two women have been killed and 22 civilians, including children, have been wounded in howitzer and airstrike fires on Cindirêsê, Mabeta, Shera and Raco regions of Afrin by Turkey and Turkey-backed groups.
Attacks of Turkey and Turkey-backed groups on Afrin have entered the 45th day. As the attacks and clashes in Cindirêsê, Mabeta and Raco regions are going on, warplanes of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) carried out a civilian massacre in these regions again. As Birimce, Mirkan and Shitka villages of Mabeta district were hit by howitzer fire, Derwiş and Elciya villages of Shera district and Cindirêsê region were bombed by warplanes.
Two women killed in Shera and Shiye
As the report says many civilians have been wounded in the attacks, a woman named Remziya Ebdılrehman has been killed by howitzer fire on Qeretepe village of Shera district. A civilian named Nebi Sefer Şexo has been reportedly seriously wounded in the attacks. Another woman named Zelux Mihemed Hesen Daxli has been reportedly killed in Shiye district by fire opened by Free Syrian Army (FSA).
Furthermore, 21 civilians, including seven children, have been reportedly wounded during the attacks on Raco region. Names of wounded civilians are as follows;  Dunya Ehmed Bekir(17), Şêxo Abdullqadir(12), Newroz Hesen Mustefa(35), Emîne Mihemed Mustefa (80), Cuma Hisên Abdullqadir(7), Mihemed Hisên Abdullqadir(2), Foziye Mihemed (35), Fîdan Bekir(17), Mihemed Hisên Ebdo (52), Emîne Eslan Mustefa (60), Nezmiye Hesen (20), Cumana Ehmed Musa (80), Ehmed Hisên (47), Newroz Hesen (3), Hediye Elî Umer (49), Ilham Elî Umer (49), Ilham Menan Xelîl (50), Şiyar Abdullqadir, Dijle Ehmed Bekir(26), Fatime Eslan Mustefa (42), Semîra Umer Şêx(55).