Thousands of women to flock to Afrin on March 8

  • 11:46 5 March 2018
  • News
AFRİN - Preparation for March 8, International Women’s Day continues in Afrin, where the resistance has entered in its 45th day. Thousands of women from Northern Syrian cities will organize march, rally and events between March 7-8 and 9 in Afrin led by Kongra Star.
Afrin’s women resisting against the attacks of Turkey and Turkey-backed groups for 45 days are making preparation for March 8. On International Women’s Day, thousands of women from Shengal, Manbij, Aleppo, Damascus and Lebanon will go to Afrin to support the “Resistance of the Age”. Furthermore, many activities will be held in the city between March 7 and 9 led by Kongra Star.
The women taking the road days ago and head for Afrin from Qamishlo today after press statement will arrive to Kobanê at the evening hours. Thousands of women from Kobanê, Manbij and Aleppo are expected to be in Afrin tomorrow.
The program of three-day event led by Kongra Star in Afrin is as follows;
*March 7: The women will be welcomed by Kongra Star and they will visit the women lost their relatives in the resistance.
*March 8: The women will gather in the city center and hold a march. After the march, a panel about the women’s resistance in Afrin will be held at Qada Azadi.
*March 9: The women will hold meetings in many parts of the city and they will tell of women’s resistance and discuss it.
Thousands of women are expected to participate in the events for March 8.