Jin TV to start its broadcast on March 8

  • 14:43 4 March 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Newa Women’s Foundation has announced that Jin TV, women-only channel, will start its broadcast on March 8 and the foundation calls on all women to watch the channel.
Newa Women’s Foundation has made a statement on women-only channel Jin TV. The foundation had made a statement on January 9, 2018 and announced that the Jin TV project was completed significantly. In its new statement, the foundation has announced that Jin TV will start its test broadcast on March 8, International Women’s Day.
The statement says, “On March 8, 2018, women once again take to the streets in the four corners of the world claiming to break the violence and exploitation on women’s body, women’s labor and women’s existence. They grow and strengthen their purpose, demand and organization, patriarchal mindset.
As a part of this organization, we are going to start Jin TV test broadcast on March 8 in order to announce the women’s voice, word and struggle.”
The foundation has also shared the channel frequency. Details of the channel frequency are as follows;
Satellite: Hotbird 13°E
Frequency: 11 054 MHz
Polarization: Horizontal
Symbolrate: 27500
FEC-rate: 5/6