Women from four parts of Kurdistan head for Afrin

  • 12:08 4 March 2018
  • News
SULAYMANIYAH - A women delegation consists of 25 women from four parts of Kurdistan has headed for Afrin in order to support the resistance and to welcome March 8.
A women’s delegation from Başurê (Southern) Kurdistan has headed for Rojava from Sulaymaniyah in order to support the resistance of Afrin. Families of those who lost their lives in the struggle for freedom, women from Başûr, Bakur (Northern Kurdistan) and Rojhilat (Eastern Kurdistan), members of the Kurdistan Free Women's Organization (RJAK), Yekîtiya Jinan, Goran Movement, Tevgera Azadi and activists and journalists are among the members of the delegation. The delegation members stated that they are going to Afrin in order to support the 44-day resistance and to welcome March 8 with the women of Afrin.
The delegation is expected to cross Pêşxabûr-Sêmalka border gate tonight. Women’s organizations will meet the delegation in Rojava.